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Tab Group

Mikio Plugin

Allows you to collate information across tabs on your DokuWiki page

  This is the content of the first tab\\ 
  here is a picture <box width=100px height=100px>{{:badgeduino_002b.jpg?nolink|}}</box>

  Only a <button url="" newtab>button</button> is here

  Nothing here

  <tab title="A tab">
    This is the content of the first tab\\ 
    here is a picture <box width=100px height=100px>{{:badgeduino_002b.jpg?nolink|}}</box>
  <tab title="Second tab">
    Only a <button url="" newtab>button</button> is here
  <tab disabled title="The third tab">
    Nothing here

Attributes (Tab Group)

pills: Changes the tab bar from tab to pills

Attributes (Tab)

title: The title to display in the tab item
disabled: Disables the tab item

wiki/syntax/tabgroup.txt · Last modified: Monday, July 17, 2023 12:00 AM by Nathan C. McGuire