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Mikio Plugin

Adds buttons to your DokuWiki pages that can also be links using the URL common attribute.

<button primary>Primary</button>
<button secondary>Secondary</button>
<button success>Success</button>
<button danger>Danger</button>
<button warning>Warning</button>
<button info>Info</button>
<button light>Light</button>
<button dark>Dark</button>
<button link>Link</button>


<button outline-primary>Primary</button>
<button outline-secondary>Secondary</button>
<button outline-success>Success</button>
<button outline-danger>Danger</button>
<button outline-warning>Warning</button>
<button outline-info>Info</button>
<button outline-light>Light</button>
<button outline-dark>Dark</button>


<button large primary>Large button</button>
<button large secondary>Large button</button>
<button small primary>Small button</button>
<button small secondary>Small button</button>


Block level button Block level button

<button block primary>Block level button</button>
<button block secondary>Block level button</button>


Primary link Link Primary link Link

<button active primary url="">Primary link</button>
<button active secondary url="">Link</button>
<button disabled primary url="">Primary link</button>
<button disabled secondary url="">Link</button>


block: Sets the button to be block level (full width)
small: Applies a small size format to the button
large: Applies a large size format to the button
active: Applies the active format to the button
disabled: Applies the disabled format to the button. Clicking the button will also be ignored
collapse-id: The collapse element to toggle

Button Groups

Combines buttons into a non-breaking group

<button>A button</button>
<button secondary>A button</button>
<button success>A button</button>

Attributes (Button Group)

small: Applies a small size format to the button group and its containing buttons
large: Applies a large size format to the button group and its containing buttons
vertical: Displays the button group vertically

wiki/syntax/button.txt · Last modified: Sunday, July 16, 2023 11:47 PM by Nathan C. McGuire