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~~hero-subtitle Links to DokuWiki commands aka. Action Links~~

You can simply append the command ('login', 'register', 'edit', …), aka. action mode, as URL parameter to the page id in a normal internal link to create an action link. If no page id is provided, the URL parameter is appended to the current page's URL.

Code Link Action
[[?do=login|login]] login shortcut to login
[[?do=admin&page=config|settings]] settings access your admin settings
[[?id=sidebar&do=edit|edit sidebar]]
[[:sidebar?do=edit|edit sidebar]]
[[sidebar?do=edit|edit sidebar]]
edit sidebar open your sidebar in edit mode
(all of those will work)
[[?purge=true|reload page]] reload page refresh the current page
wiki/syntax/commands.txt · Last modified: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 01:31 AM by Nathan C. McGuire