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Page List

Page List Plugin

The Pagelist Plugin takes a list of wiki pages and provides a nicely formatted table with information about them. The plug-in has a number of flags that can be used to control the information and format of the page list. The user can provide a list of specific page references as can some popular helper plugins such the Blog, Discussion, Editor, Tag, Task and Dir plugins.


Just wrap a regular unordered list of internal links with the <pagelist> tag. You may provide specific internal page references or have plug-ins supply them as in the example below:

  * [[..:blog:|Blog Plugin]]
  * [[..:discussion:|Discussion Plugin]]
  * [[..:editor:|Editor Plugin]]
  * [[..:tag:|Tag Plugin]]
  * [[..:wrap|Wrap Plugin|This is shown in the description cell]]
[flags] flags can be used to alter the appearance of the pagelist, flags optional


Default flag Alternative flag Setting in
Config Manager
default table with horizontal lines table, list or simplelist standard DokuWiki table or list style style
firsthl show the first headline nofirsthl show the page name showfirsthl
date show the creation or last modification date nodate hide the date showdate
user show creator or contributors nouser hide the user showuser
noheader hide the heading row of the pagelist table header show the header showheader
nodesc hide the description desc show the description (from metadata) showdesc
nocomments hide the number of comments comments show the number of comments (if Discussion Plugin is installed) showcomments
notags hide the tags tags show the tags (if Tag Plugin is installed) showtags
nosort no sortation of pages rsort/sort sorts the pages (reverse) alphabetically by pagename rsort/sort
nodiff no displaying of differences column showdiff displays the differences column with the diff icon linking to the corresponding diff page for each row showdiff
noimage show image of the page image needs Pageimage Plugin installed. Can either be defined on page or image with same name as page will be used image


    //an unordered list of pages to display//

In the example above, pagelist will display information about the provided pages in a table with a header line and a comments column (if the Discussion Plugin is installed). The user (or a plugin) must supply the specific pages to display in the list.


The plugin can be configured using the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu. The settings also apply to plugins which use the helper component of the pagelist plugin, like for example the archive component of the blog plugin.

style List style (default, table, table/list, simplelist)
showheader Show table header
showdate Shows/hides the date column (hide, creation date, modification date)
showuser Shows/hides the user column (hide, creator, contributors)
showdesc Shows/hides a short description taken from the first paragraph of a page (hide, max. 160 characters, max. 500 characters)
showcomments Shows/hides comments of a page (requires the discussion plugin)
showlinkbacks Shows/hides linkbacks of a page (requires the linkback plugin)
showtags Shows/hides tags of a page (requires the tag plugin)
sort Sorts the pages alphabetically by pagename
showdiff Displays a differences column with the diff icon linking to the corresponding diff page for each row
showimage Shows/hides the image column (requires the Pageimage Plugin)

Helper Plugin

You can easily use the functionality of the Pagelist Plugin in your own plugins. Here is a basic code snippet:

$pages = [
    ['id' => 'wiki:dokuwiki'],
    ['id' => 'wiki:syntax'],
$pagelist = $this->loadHelper('pagelist');
if (!$pagelist) return false; // failed to load plugin
foreach ($pages as $page){
$renderer->doc .= $pagelist->finishList();

Since release 2017-08-24 the function startList() has got an optional parameter to specify a CSS class for adding it to the class of the table element:


For more details, see How to use Pagelist in your plugin.

Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report bugs or feature requests at the Bug tracker.



Submit translation via the translation tool:

wiki/syntax/page_list.txt · Last modified: Sunday, July 16, 2023 11:57 PM by Nathan C. McGuire