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Table of Contents
Clifton Strengths
Strengths Finder and Strengths Explorer results can be tracked via the Clifton Strengths tab.
Path: Student Information > General > Clifton Strengths
Adding Status Entries
Ad Hoc Reporting
Clifton Strengths elements are available via Ad Hoc Reporting under the Custom Tab: Clifton Strengths branch.
Importing Status Entries
Bulk imports are available by request. Open a ticket with the Technology department and include a spreadsheet with the following columns:
Column | Description |
State ID | Required if Person ID is not provided. |
Person ID | Required if State ID is not provided. |
Status Date | Required |
Strengths Finder 1 | Optional |
Strengths Finder 2 | Optional |
Strengths Finder 3 | Optional |
Strengths Finder 4 | Optional |
Strengths Finder 5 | Optional |
Strengths Finder Access Code | Optional |
Strengths Explorer 1 | Optional |
Strengths Explorer 2 | Optional |
Strengths Explorer 3 | Optional |
Strengths Explorer Access Code | Optional |
Additional Columns will be ignored.
Strengths Explorer
Drop Down for selecting emerging themes. Add multiple entries to select the three themes.
Code | Value |
01 | Achieving |
02 | Caring |
03 | Competing |
04 | Confidence |
05 | Dependability |
06 | Discoverer |
07 | Future Thinker |
08 | Organizer |
09 | Presence |
10 | Relating |
Strengths Explorer Access Code
Textbox for tracking the access code.
Strengths Finder
Code | Value |
01 | Achiever |
02 | Activator |
03 | Adaptability |
04 | Analytical |
05 | Arranger |
06 | Belief |
07 | Command |
08 | Communication |
09 | Competition |
10 | Connectedness |
11 | Consistency |
12 | Context |
13 | Deliberative |
14 | Developer |
15 | Discipline |
16 | Empathy |
17 | Focus |
18 | Futuristic |
19 | Harmony |
20 | Ideation |
21 | Includer |
22 | Individualization |
23 | Input |
24 | Intellection |
25 | Learner |
26 | Maximizer |
27 | Positivity |
28 | Relator |
29 | Responsibility |
30 | Restorative |
31 | Self-Assurance |
32 | Significance |
33 | Strategic |
34 | Woo |
Strengths Finder Access Code
Textbox for tracking the access code.
Custom Reports
Rosters / Schedules
WITH -- Students S AS ( SELECT P.personID,P.studentNumber, I.lastName, I.firstName FROM Person P JOIN [IDENTITY] I ON I.identityID = P.currentIdentityID JOIN Enrollment E ON E.personID = P.personID AND E.serviceType = 'P' JOIN Calendar C ON C.calendarID = E.calendarID AND C.summerSchool = 0 AND C.exclude = 0 JOIN SchoolYear SY ON SY.endYear = C.endYear AND = 1 JOIN School S ON S.schoolID = C.schoolID AND S.exclude = 0 AND S.number = '2050' ), --Clifton Strengths CS AS ( SELECT CS.personID, CS.[DATE], CD.value AS theme FROM CampusAttribute CA JOIN CustomStudent CS ON CS.attributeID = CA.attributeID JOIN CampusDictionary CD ON CD.attributeID = CS.attributeID AND CD.[code] = CS.[VALUE] WHERE CA.object = 'Clifton Strengths' ), --Roster R AS ( SELECT AS course, S.teacherDisplay AS teacher, AS term, AS periodSchedule, AS [period], R.personID FROM Trial T JOIN Calendar Cal ON Cal.calendarID = T.calendarID AND = 1 AND Cal.summerSchool = 0 AND Cal.exclude = 0 JOIN SchoolYear SY ON SY.endYear = Cal.endYear AND = 1 JOIN School Sch ON Sch.schoolID = Cal.schoolID AND Sch.exclude = 0 AND Sch.number = '2050' JOIN SECTION S ON S.trialID = T.trialID JOIN Course C ON S.courseID = C.courseID JOIN Roster R ON R.sectionID = S.sectionID JOIN SectionPlacement SP ON SP.sectionID = S.sectionID JOIN [Period] P ON P.periodID = SP.periodID JOIN PeriodSchedule PS ON P.periodScheduleID = PS.periodScheduleID JOIN Term ON Term.termID = SP.termID ) SELECT S.studentNumber, S.lastName, S.firstName, CS.theme, R.course, R.teacher, R.term, R.periodSchedule, R.period FROM S JOIN R ON S.personID = R.personID LEFT JOIN CS ON CS.personID = S.personID
campus/student_information/general/clifton_strengths.1701793743.txt.gz · Last modified: Tuesday, December 05, 2023 10:29 AM by Nathan C. McGuire