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Clifton Strengths

Strengths Finder and Strengths Explorer results can be tracked via the Clifton Strengths tab.

Path: Student Information > General > Clifton Strengths

Adding Status Entries

  1. Click the New Status button.
  2. Enter the date the inventory was assessed or the access code was assigned or used. Select the element to be added enter the value for the element being added.
  3. Click Save.

Ad Hoc Reporting

Clifton Strengths elements are available via Ad Hoc Reporting under the Custom Tab: Clifton Strengths branch.

Importing Status Entries

Bulk imports are available by request. Open a ticket with the Technology department and include a spreadsheet with the following columns:

Column Description
State ID Required if Person ID is not provided.
Person ID Required if State ID is not provided.
Status Date Required
Strengths Finder 1 Optional
Strengths Finder 2 Optional
Strengths Finder 3 Optional
Strengths Finder 4 Optional
Strengths Finder 5 Optional
Strengths Finder Access Code Optional
Strengths Explorer 1 Optional
Strengths Explorer 2 Optional
Strengths Explorer 3 Optional
Strengths Explorer Access Code Optional

Additional Columns will be ignored.

SQL Query


Strengths Explorer

Drop Down for selecting emerging themes. Add multiple entries to select the three themes.

Code Value
01 Achieving
02 Caring
03 Competing
04 Confidence
05 Dependability
06 Discoverer
07 Future Thinker
08 Organizer
09 Presence
10 Relating

Strengths Explorer Access Code

Textbox for tracking the access code.

Strengths Finder

Code Value
01 Achiever
02 Activator
03 Adaptability
04 Analytical
05 Arranger
06 Belief
07 Command
08 Communication
09 Competition
10 Connectedness
11 Consistency
12 Context
13 Deliberative
14 Developer
15 Discipline
16 Empathy
17 Focus
18 Futuristic
19 Harmony
20 Ideation
21 Includer
22 Individualization
23 Input
24 Intellection
25 Learner
26 Maximizer
27 Positivity
28 Relator
29 Responsibility
30 Restorative
31 Self-Assurance
32 Significance
33 Strategic
34 Woo

Strengths Finder Access Code

Textbox for tracking the access code.

Custom Reports

Rosters / Schedules

-- Students
S AS (
    SELECT P.personID,P.studentNumber, I.lastName, I.firstName
    FROM Person P
    JOIN [IDENTITY] I ON I.identityID = P.currentIdentityID
    JOIN Enrollment E ON E.personID = P.personID AND E.serviceType = 'P'
    JOIN Calendar C ON C.calendarID = E.calendarID AND C.summerSchool = 0 AND C.exclude = 0
    JOIN SchoolYear SY ON SY.endYear = C.endYear AND = 1
    JOIN School S ON S.schoolID = C.schoolID AND S.exclude = 0 AND S.number = '2050'
--Clifton Strengths
    SELECT CS.personID, CS.[DATE], CD.value AS theme
    FROM CampusAttribute CA
    JOIN CustomStudent CS ON CS.attributeID = CA.attributeID
    JOIN CampusDictionary CD ON CD.attributeID = CS.attributeID AND CD.[code] = CS.[VALUE]
    WHERE CA.object = 'Clifton Strengths'
R AS (
    SELECT AS course, S.teacherDisplay AS teacher, AS term, AS periodSchedule, AS [period], R.personID
    FROM Trial T
    JOIN Calendar Cal ON Cal.calendarID = T.calendarID AND = 1 AND Cal.summerSchool = 0 AND Cal.exclude = 0
    JOIN SchoolYear SY ON SY.endYear = Cal.endYear AND = 1
    JOIN School Sch ON Sch.schoolID = Cal.schoolID AND Sch.exclude = 0 AND Sch.number = '2050'
    JOIN SECTION S ON S.trialID = T.trialID
    JOIN Course C ON S.courseID = C.courseID
    JOIN Roster R ON R.sectionID = S.sectionID
    JOIN SectionPlacement SP ON SP.sectionID = S.sectionID
    JOIN [Period] P ON P.periodID = SP.periodID
    JOIN PeriodSchedule PS ON P.periodScheduleID = PS.periodScheduleID
    JOIN Term ON Term.termID = SP.termID
SELECT S.studentNumber, S.lastName, S.firstName, CS.theme, R.course, R.teacher, R.term, R.periodSchedule, R.period
JOIN R ON S.personID = R.personID
LEFT JOIN CS ON CS.personID = S.personID
campus/student_information/general/clifton_strengths.1701793743.txt.gz · Last modified: Tuesday, December 05, 2023 10:29 AM by Nathan C. McGuire