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Health Setup

Self-Guided Practice Activities

Task: You have a few incoming students who have pineapple allergies, but you can't find 'pineapple allergy' in your current list of health conditions. Create a new active health condition titled pineapple allergy. Make sure this condition can be flagged on a student's profile.

Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Health Setup: Conditions List (3:57)

Task: Your nurses would like to use meditation as a treatment for students experiencing anxiety. Add meditation as a new treatment at your school.

Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Health Setup: Treatment List (1:51)

Task: A parent at your school brings in Doxycycline that needs to be administered to their student daily. Add Doxycycline as a new medication name in Medication Name Setup.

Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Health Setup: Medication Name (2:44)
campus/health/setup.txt · Last modified: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 09:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire