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Study Guides

Training Outline


Audience: Person(s) responsible for management of student behaviors


  • Create a behavior referral
  • Assign resolutions to participants
  • Track detention hours

On-Demand Training Course(s):

Behavior Referral

Behavior Referral


  • Create an incident
  • Add events to an incident
  • Add participants to an event
  • Add response types (if used/tracked)

Submitted Referrals will show in the Message Center

Behavior Management

Behavior Management


  • Add resolutions to participants in a referral

Detention Tracker

Detention Tracker


  • Manage student detention time

Individual Student Behavior

Individual Student Behavior


  • See current and historical behavior data
  • Manage current behavior data

Additional Resources

Behavior End User FAQ

I don’t see one of my administrators in the “Notify” list for my referral. How can I add more people?

The various lists of people found throughout the behavior module are populated from their district assignments. (Census > Staff > District Assignments). Behavior Administrators show up in a box while filling out behavior referrals. Behavior Response Approvers, depending on your settings, may need to be attached to a response that was utilized during an event. Checking the box “exclude behavior referral” removes a staff member from the “Submitted By” dropdown list in Behavior Management. If you do not have access to this area of Infinite Campus, see your System Administrator.

Knowledge Base:

Self-Guided Practice Activities

Task: Create a behavior referral of a food fight between two students at Harrison High. Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Behavior End User: Behavior Referral (6:13)

Task: Assign a resolution of one day’s worth of detention for both students in the food fight referral that you created in the previous task. Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Behavior End User: Behavior Management (4:40)

Task: View the behavior information in Student Information for one of the students that was involved in the food fight incident and click to print the student’s behavior report for the current calendar. Corresponding Video Lesson

  • Behavior End User: Student Behavior Tool (3:10)
campus/behavior.txt · Last modified: Friday, August 04, 2023 09:01 AM by Nathan C. McGuire