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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 10/19/2015
Last Revised Date 01/24/2022
Last Reviewed Date 01/24/2022

Procedure BBB-1-AP(1): School Board Elections

To prepare for candidate filing, the board secretary or designee will:

Prior to the seventeenth Tuesday before the election, publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation of the opening and closing filing date, the positions to be filled, the length of terms and the proper place for filing. (See BBB-AF1.)

Prepare a declaration of candidacy form for every term length for which candidates may file so that the form is ready to provide to candidates. (See BBB-AF2.)

Prepare a written notice to candidates of their obligation to file a financial interest statement so that the form is ready to provide to candidates. (See BBB-AF4.)

Obtain a summary of laws from the Missouri Ethics Commission (MEC) to provide to candidates.

Prepare a written statement for candidates to sign acknowledging that they have received the MEC's summary of laws and a written notice of their obligation to file a financial interest statement. (See BBB-AF3.)

Obtain copies of the Missouri Department of Revenue's Candidate's Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements form to provide to candidates.

Clearly designate where candidates must form a line to file.

Random Drawing Option: If the district has chosen to place candidates who file on the first day on the ballot by random drawing, make sure there is a container of consecutive numbers available from which candidates may draw on the first day of filing.

When candidates file for the election, the district will provide them with:

A copy of a summary of laws from the MEC.

Written notice of the candidate's obligation to file a financial interest statement, pursuant to state law.

A copy of the Missouri Department of Revenue's Candidate's Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements form.

When candidates file for the election, they must sign the following documents, which will be kept in the district's files:

A declaration of candidacy form. If there is a position for less than a three-year term, candidates must decide for which position they will run when filing and sign the corresponding declaration of candidacy form. (See BBB-AF2.)

A statement acknowledging that they have received the MEC's summary of laws and a written notice of their obligation to file a financial interest statement. (See BBB-AF3.)

Certifying the Election

Not later than 5:00 p.m. on the tenth Tuesday prior to the election, the district must notify the election authority (county clerk or election commission) in writing of the election, specifying the name of the school district and providing the legal notice required to be published prior to the election (date and time of the election and a sample ballot). The notice may be accepted by facsimile if the original copy of the notice and certified copy of the legal notice to be published are received within three business days of the facsimile transmission.

No Election

In accordance with policy BBB, if the number of candidates filing at no time exceeded the number of positions to be filled in the election, there will be no election unless the district is also running a ballot issue. If no election is required, the board secretary or designee will notify the election authority by letter that there will not be an election in accordance with law. (See BBB-AF5.)

Search the index for this section and the cross references to identify related policies, administrative procedures and forms.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Court Cases

Jackson County Bd. of Election Commisioners v. Paluka, 13 S.W.3d 684 (Mo. Ct. App. 2000)

board_policy/bbb1ap1.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:40 AM (external edit)