Table of Contents

Board Policy and Procedures

1)Generally, the role of a board of education is to set policy and the role of the administration is to execute it. The basic definitions of policies and procedures, as defined by the Missouri School Boards’ Association, are as follows:

Policies are values or principles adopted by the board that establish the framework for what is to be done. Policies provide general guidance for the district and are based on the philosophy of the school district. Policies include topics subject to direct board governance as well as those concerning the board’s own operation. The policy manual should include district goals as established by the board of education. Some policies are included in the manual because of laws or regulations that require them. Others are included at the discretion of the Board in order to provide for consistent operation of the district and to meet the educational needs of students.

Procedures put policy into practice. They tell how, by whom, where and when things are to be done. Procedures often reflect legal and regulatory requirements that do not require Board approval. The superintendent has discretion to develop and change many procedures provided they fall within the framework of adopted policy. However, there are some procedures that may not be changed at the discretion of the superintendent due to legal requirements.

These definitions reflect sound theory of governance and administration.

As long as the administration operates within the guidelines of a policy adopted by the board, it may change administrative procedures without prior approval of the board — unless the board has specifically asked for Board approval. However, only the board may adopt new policies or revise current policies.

A. Foundations and Basics

B. School Board Governance and Operations

C. General School Administration

D. Fiscal Management

E. Support Services

F. Facilities Development

G. Personnel

H. Negotiations

There are currently no policies in this section. This section is reserved for possible future use.

I. Instruction

J. Students

K. School-Community Relations

L. Education Agency Relations

There are currently no policies in this section. This section is reserved for possible future use.

Board Policy Listing (Official)

Policy Services

Navigating Policy Manuals

Sample Policies

Sample Procedures

Sample Administrative Forms

“About Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.” Navigating Policy Manuals | Missouri School Boards’ Association,