following rules will apply to district employees unless the superintendent or designee determines that un... on. Board members will follow this policy as well unless the Board or the Board president determines that ... mburse an employee for relocation travel expenses unless such expenses are included as part of an employee... ravel if such travel is at the district's expense unless the issue is otherwise addressed in the superinte
o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... ren or businesses with which they are associated, unless authorized by the [[board:start|Board of Educatio
student's Social Security number to the district unless required by law.
4. Pursuant... access to their child's school records until and unless a court order, statute or legally binding documen... tudent, the district will not disclose the record unless the district is able to effectively redact inform... hey choose to not have this information released. Unless notified to the contrary in writing within the te
r entities from making audio or visual recordings unless authorized in this policy.
Administrator Authori... lines applicable to those events are followed and unless recording is prohibited by licensing or other int... d for personal purposes or posted on social media unless authorized by a supervisor.
Recording Meetings
... meetings between employees and parents/guardians unless authorized by the superintendent or designee.
y, the district will rebid the product or service unless this procedure specifically provides otherwise.
... ucts or services that may be in excess of $50,000 unless noncompetitive purchasing is authorized by law, p... nd purchase through the catalog or online vendor, unless formal or sealed bidding is required by law.
Prop... and the conditions for sealed bids are not met.
Unless otherwise required by law, at least five business
o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... o any business with which he or she is associated unless the transaction is made pursuant to an award on a... uring consideration of the question and the vote, unless the motion is part of a consent agenda and there
y the superintendent or designee.
Test Security
Unless allowed by specific test protocol, tests shall no... n or loss of scores for accountability purposes.
Unless allowed by specific test protocol, staff associat... ed in the testing room during the testing session unless otherwise approved by the test coordinator.
5. ... of the standardized test materials or online test unless authorized by test protocol.
3. Removing
rict transportation or during district activities unless explicitly authorized in accordance with this pol... dications District Personnel Will Not Administer
Unless required by law to administer a medication to acc... r other recognized medical or pharmaceutical text unless the district has verified the dosage with the pre... from possessing or self-administering medications unless the student is allowed by law to do so and has be
heir handlers. Service animals must have a tether unless the handler is unable to use one or unless the use of a tether would interfere with the service animal's ... nd control of any animal used as an accommodation unless otherwise provided in the IEP or Section 504 plan... the spread of diseases, such as rabies, to humans unless vaccinations are not required in the opinion of a
omplaints regarding the records as allowed by law unless a court order, statute or legally binding documen... ardless of divorce, custody or visitation rights, unless the district is provided with evidence that the p... taining consent from a parent or eligible student unless a parent or eligible student notifies the distric... hs, videotapes, digital images and recorded sound unless such records would be considered harmful or an in
B) and Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations unless otherwise advised by the district's attorney.
Th... rdance with federal law. No purchase will be made unless the purchase was authorized in the approved budge... strict will not use a time and materials contract unless there is a determination that no other contract i... is defined as an unsolicited gift of $25 or less unless otherwise defined by federal law.
If the distric
uperintendent may decide not to suspend a student unless conferences (between the teacher, student and pri... l be stayed until the Board renders its decision, unless in the superintendent's judgment, the student's p... school days, the procedures described below apply unless the student has a disability. (In the case of a s... sions in excess of 180 school days or expulsions, unless after meeting with the superintendent or designee
cipating in conferences pertaining to their child unless otherwise required by court order or law.
Defini... to either parent in accordance with Board policy unless otherwise directed by a valid court order.
Court... dispute in their capacities as district employees unless served with a subpoena. Often, student records ca... ds and information pertaining to his or her child unless that parent has been denied custody or visitation
ble opportunity to dispute and correct the record unless the person has declined to do so. If the individu... rmation contained in CHRI to unauthorized persons unless explicitly allowed for in this procedure.
In gen... of three years or until the district is audited, unless the log is needed for other purposes.
... nsmitted or transported outside a secure location unless encrypted according to FBI standards or transport
all district professional staff salary schedules unless determined otherwise by the Board:
1. Th... were eligible at the time the schedule was frozen unless the Board determines that it is financially feasi... e step vertically per year on the salary schedule unless such movement is allowed by the Board-adopted rul... after entering into a contract for a school year unless such movement is specifically authorized in the c