rollment in other virtual course options provided through the district. Students who seek full-time enrollm... r higher education institution that is registered through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to provide virtual education through the MOCAP program to Missouri students. A host di... he district may offer virtual courses to students through district staff or by contracting for those servic
tation and submission of offers electronically or through a web-based system. The requirement for providers... y provides otherwise.
Purchases may be made only through a purchase order, credit or purchasing card, or through petty cash, when appropriate. In rare circumstance... advertise the proposed purchase in a newspaper or through an electronic medium available to the general pub
lacement (AP) curriculum and courses are approved through an audit process with the College
Board. Internat... laureate (IB) curriculum and courses are approved through an authorization
process with International Bacca... |
| Grades 1 through 3 | B-3, PK-3, or ELEM (includes K-8, 1-8, 1-6) Grades 4 |
| Grades 4 through 8 | ELEM (includes K-8
struction must have been completed in grades nine through twelve. The district will waive the requirement t... to assign credit values for courses offered by or through the school district and to develop formulas and p... of the Osage recognizes units of credit obtained through accredited schools and school districts, including credits earned through courses delivered primarily through electronic me
funds may be used to pay for some indirect costs through an indirect cost allocation plan. The rate used t... d procedures applicable to employees who are paid through nonfederal funds. If the services provided by the employee being compensated through a federal award are not comparable to any other p... h federal funds. If an employee is paid partially through a federal award, the records will specify the amo
a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent on another scale, through the semester immediately preceding the semester i... voidance of the unlawful use of drugs and alcohol through the semester immediately preceding the semester i... wing submission deadlines:
Fall Semester (August through December)
Priority Deadline: October 1
Fina... : December 1
Spring Semester (January through May)
Priority Deadline: February 1
Final De
al Instruction
The district may offer instruction through district-sponsored virtual courses and will approve students to take virtual courses through the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP) in acc... e postsecondary institution's campus or virtually through the postsecondary institution at the district's e... hours per school day.
Pursue a timely graduation through enrollment in district-required classes in order
t the goals and objectives of the school district through careful facilities planning.
The Board shall per... rons shall be consulted during the planning stage through final layout. The superintendent will present a d... y necessary for facility improvement or expansion through eminent domain only in accordance with law. The d... persons displaced by the acquisition of property through eminent domain as required by and in accordance w
funds will be remitted to the federal government, through DESE, as required by law.
Financial Management
T... d;
Name of the federal agency;
Name of any pass-through entity involved; and
Project code used to identi... r information the federal awarding agency or pass-through entity designates as sensitive or that the distri... l required by the federal awarding agency or pass-through entity and in the manner directed under federal l
information, ideas and opinions.
===== Grievance through Established Policy and Procedure =====
Students, ... it has not first attempted to resolve the matter through established procedures and policies.
===== Writt... tten correspondence may be directed to the Board, through the superintendent, for consideration at a meetin... may refuse to address an issue that has not gone through the appropriate grievance procedure. The Board re
ted by a student on transportation provided by or through the district shall be punished in the same manner... ing any other person to enter a district facility through an unauthorized entrance; assisting unauthorized persons to enter a district facility through any entrance.
First Offense: Principal/Student c
tudents to more rapidly achieve educational goals through acceleration. For most gifted and advanced students, this acceleration can be achieved through the school district curriculum and suggested acce... review. The time saved may be used to move faster through the curriculum or for more advanced content instr
portunities to grow physically and intellectually through experience in self-discipline and contribution to a team effort made possible through competitive athletics. An athletic program shall ... lopment of students as competitors and spectators through friendly interschool and intraschool contests. Th
be established during the elementary school years through school counseling activities. Building on this fo... elopment. Responsive services will be implemented through individual counseling, small group counseling, co... gram, including the school counseling curriculum, through the development and use of a comprehensive evalua
rollment in other virtual course options provided through the District.
District – The School ... r higher education institution that is registered through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to provide virtual education through the MOCAP program to Missouri students. A host di