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Mosyle Profile Scoping
General Profile Scoping Configurations Self Service Auto Install, No Admin Auto Install (Auto)
General Profile Scoping Configurations Self Service
Profile Name: {Name} - Self, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Do not install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Apply to all current and future devices
Self Service Staff Only
Profile Name: {Name} - SelfStaff, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Do not install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Select specific users or devices
Assign to student’s devices: All current and future students
Include students with no location assigned
All current and future teachers and staff All current and future devices in Shared Device Groups All current and future devices in Limbo
Self Service Tech Only
Profile Name: {Name} - SelfTech, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Do not install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Select specific users or devices
Assign to student’s devices: All current and future students
Include students with no location assigned
Selecting Specific Teacher, Staff, and Admin All current and future devices in Shared Device Groups All current and future devices in Limbo
Self Service Admin Only
Profile Name: {Name} - SelfAdmin, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Do not install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Select specific users or devices
Assign to student’s devices: All current and future students
Include students with no location assigned
Selecting Specific Teacher, Staff, and Admin All current and future devices in Shared Device Groups All current and future devices in Limbo
Auto Install, No Admin Useful for preloading apps.
Profile Name: {Name} - Auto, NoAdmin, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Select specific users or devices
Assign to student’s devices: All current and future students
Include students with no location assigned
All current and future teachers and staff All current and future devices in Shared Device Groups All current and future devices in Limbo
Auto Install Profile Name: {Name} - Auto, {Location} Auto-Install Apps : Install all apps after saving the profile Self-Service Apps: Show the apps in Self-Service Advanced Options:
Auto-remove apps when a recipient is removed or the apps are removed from the list: Uninstall apps after considering all other assign profiles Update Apps: Update outdated apps automatically AND alert end users Delay automatic updates: 7 Days Reinstall Apps: Do not reinstall apps that have been removed
Profile Assignment: Apply to all current and future devices