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Facility Name: (MDF, IDF1, IDF2):
Location in building:
Connection Type:
Person / Organization responsible for connections:

Floor Plan – Rack locations, desks, D-marks,

Power – Power outlet map, Power Filtering, Surge protection to outlets, Capable wattage outlet capacity in room.

MDF Data Jack Map (Labeling/identification explanation)

Cable Management in MDF (ladder mgnt, J hooks, velcro tape (color))

Phone Information number/extension – Instruction for giving to someone who needs to contact a person in the MDF. How to make a call, number to dial to get outside line. Codes if needed for long distance calls. Who to call for service:

HVAC – Room temperature specification. A/C info – how to turn on, off, adjust. Who to call for service

technology/infrastructure/mdf.txt · Last modified: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 08:33 PM by Nathan C. McGuire