rt staff employee who is a member of a retirement system shall remain a member during any period of leave ... e time if the employee makes contributions to the system equal to the amount of contributions that he or s... ated sick leave upon leaving or retiring from the system. The basis for this remuneration shall be as foll... vice ($50 x 5=$250).
Employees retiring from the system shall be paid $20 per day for all accumulated sic
ificated employee who is a member of a retirement system shall remain a member during any period of leave ... e time if the employee makes contributions to the system equal to the amount of contributions that he or s... ated sick leave upon leaving or retiring from the system. The basis for this remuneration shall be as foll... vice ($50 x 5=$250).
Employees retiring from the system shall be paid $20 per day for all accumulated sic
nefits from the Missouri Public School Retirement System, the Public Education Employee Retirement System, the Kansas City Public School Retirement System or the Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis.
The School of the Osage encourages the
schoolwide pool or early learning blended funding system are not required to keep such records.
Employee ... fter the services have been provided.
Substitute System
The district may develop a substitute system for reporting time and effort, but any such system must be approved by the Department of Elementary and S
or designee will maintain a financial management system that meets the standards for fund control and acc... ill request a drawdown of federal funds using the system required by the Missouri Department of Elementary... al Management
The district's financial management system will be sufficient to permit the preparation of r... into compliance.
As part of its internal control system, the superintendent or designee will establish re
d or successful) to gain unauthorized access to a system or its data.
2. Unwanted disruption or d... of service.
3. The unauthorized use of a system for the processing or storage of data.
4. Changes to system hardware, firmware or software characteristics wi... ument how the equipment is connected to the state system.
4. Ensure that personnel security scree
ms or information, install equipment, upgrade any system or enter any system at any time.
===== Content Filtering and Monitoring =====
The district will monitor ... ology to gain unauthorized access to a technology system or information; connect to other systems in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system; copy district files without authorization; inter
district will notify the Public School Retirement System (PSRS), the Public Education Employee Retirement System (PEERS) or any other relevant state retirement system when an employee or former employee is charged with
EMMA – The Electronic Municipal Market Access system for municipal securities disclosures established ... e accessed at www.emma.msrb.org, or any successor system designated as the means through which municipal s... ompliance officer will ensure that the accounting system will include the following information:
even in the event of a long-term school closure.
System Support
The Board recognizes system support as a crucial component in the full implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. System support of the comprehensive school counseling pr
2. Missouri Student Identification System (MOSIS) number, driver's license number or other ... lity, integrity or availability of an information system or the information the system processes, stores or transmits, or 2) constitutes a violation or imminent t
he position has been filled.
Teachers new to the system are required to report to work one week prior to ... purposes of orientation and planning. "New to the system" is defined as any individual who has not been em... g a retirement allowance from a public retirement system as permitted by law.
Employment Contracts
The d
omething; ground for belief; proof of existence.
System – The protocols and processes required to properl... in the educational service delivery of the school system (e.g., align district professional development an... , including the general processes involved in the system.
8. The superintendent is responsible fo
district will notify the Public School Retirement System (PSRS), the Public Education Employee Retirement System (PEERS) or any other relevant state retirement system when an employee or former employee is charged with
district will notify the Public School Retirement System (PSRS), the Public Education Employee Retirement System (PEERS) or any other relevant state retirement system when an employee or former employee is charged with