approval except in accordance with the Emergency Situations subsection of this procedure.
Regardless of the ... Estate Brokers and Other Real Estate Services
In situations where the district will discuss or make decisions... a representative is financially prudent. In those situations, the procurement process used by the representati... s no intent to circumvent competition.
Emergency Situations
Unless competitive bidding is required by law, t
the Osage School Board recognizes that there are situations where nonresident students and residents who are ... or district programs on a tuition basis. In these situations, the Board will set tuition in an amount that, mi... tax effort from the domiciliary district in some situations.
The district will seek additional payments from... ted School Districts (§§ 167.132, .895, RSMo)
In situations where DESE assigns students residing in an unaccr
plan. The plan must identify potential emergency situations that may impact the district, include procedures for responding to those emergency situations and address the transition back to pre-emergency ... taff are required to report potentially dangerous situations immediately. Each building in the district will f... on regarding potentially threatening or dangerous situations.
Community Emergency Plan
The Board directs the
ttending meetings with district staff or in other situations where the student may benefit. Permission will be granted sparingly, if ever, and only in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be s... t or may benefit the student educationally, or in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be s
t from cooperative purchasing and address unusual situations such as purchasing when there is a single feasibl... e followed when federal funds are used.
Emergency Situations
Unless competitive bidding is required by law, t... or sign a complaint on behalf of the district in situations where a crime may have occurred.
tendent will make recommendations to the Board in situations where an employee is seeking release from a contr... endent or designee no later than June 1. In these situations, the resignation is considered accepted once it i... y to release an employee from a contract in these situations. The Board considers serious illness, transfer of
to, employee resignation from the district, most situations involving employee termination and situations where an employee's hours have been reduced so that he or she n
al staff without additional compensation. In some situations and with Board approval, the district may provide... ployee for performing additional duties. In those situations, the Board will determine the amount of compensat
sexual misconduct will be shared in the following situations:
Allegations of Criminal Sexual Misconduct – If a... mer employee actually violated the policy.
Other Situations – The superintendent or designee is required to c
rt staff without additional compensation. In some situations and with Board approval, an employee may be provi... ployee for performing additional duties. In those situations, the amount of compensation will be determined by
to, employee resignation from the district, most situations involving employee termination and situations where an employee's hours have been reduced so that he or she n
be cleared for employment or assignment. In rare situations, the district may print or electronically share r... horized to work in or with the district. In those situations, the physical or electronic copy will be destroye
ve body. Likewise, the district will cooperate in situations where a court or legislative body seeks district ... ed disclosures under this policy, particularly in situations where students would be left unsupervised, unless
t or designee may modify the target class size in situations where the classroom is substantially smaller than... when necessary for specialized instruction or in situations where equipment is limited, such as music, art, d
fers outside the district except in the following situations.
Specialized Services
On occasion, students wit... efficiently offered in another district. In those situations, and at the discretion of the district, the distr