====== Section 504 ======
[[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/section-504|Section 504]]
<WRAP center round important 60%>
Section 504 is managed by the [[campus:student_information:spedtr
g address is preferred *******
LEFT OUTER JOIN [section] se WITH (NOLOCK) ON se.sectionID =
(SELECT TOP 1 x.sectionID FROM [section] x WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN roster r ON r.sectionID = x.sectionID AND r.trialID = x.trial
ing student schedules
* Manually build section rosters
* Copy rosters
* Build and modify stu... 086b8c88f98d|Student Scheduling]] – (0:38)
===== Section Roster Creation & Modification ====
[[https://kb.... fy teachers and other staff members assigned to a section when the roster of their course is modified? ====... ified when the student is added or removed from a section roster.
This tool is accessed from the student’s
calculation is used, minus all courses and course sections marked as Online. Non-instructional minutes are ... for which the student was enrolled in that course/section are calculated. 94% of those hours are added to t... course marked as Online, all hours of the course/section are calculated, and 47% of those hours are added
he previous steps above.
- Search for the ‘Copy Section Placements’ tool (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Copy Section Placements) in order to schedule sections to occur during the applicable periods in the school day based o
ities =====
Task: Take attendance for one course section using the Teaching Center. Mark at least one stud... er (3:44)
Task: Take attendance for one course section using the Attendance tool. Mark at least one stud... : Create a seating chart for at least one course section using the Seating Charts tool.
Corresponding Vid
ities =====
Task: Take attendance for one course section using the Teaching Center. Mark at least one stud... er (3:44)
Task: Take attendance for one course section using the Attendance tool. Mark at least one stud... : Create a seating chart for at least one course section using the Seating Charts tool.
Corresponding Vid
l T ON SH.trialID = T.trialID AND active = 1
JOIN SectionPlacement SecP ON SecP.sectionID = SH.sectionID AND SecP.trialID = SH.trialID
JOIN Term ON Term.termID = SecP.termID AND Term.startDate <
t, Non-Household, and Student.
Pleat – This is a section of the application within an Index (Tab). These sections are what house our fields/questions. Examples are
to a particular School.
**Students** are tied to Sections of Courses via a Roster.
**Staff** are tied to Sections of Courses via the Staff History tab which defin