| Enrollment School | OLR Only ... noheader&firstseconly&noreadmore}}
===== Previous School =====
{{campus:registration:pasted:20230615-14391... d).*
My child is taking medication at School (inhaler, Epi-pen, other).*
(Students... ain more information and to plan for the upcoming school year.
+++If any changes occur or a new conditi
i Calendar Setup Verification Items ======
===== School Year Setup =====
Search for the ‘School Year Setup’ tool (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Steup > School Year Setup) and verify that the three checkboxes ... pus:pasted:20230904-162437.png}}
===== Shortened School Days =====
In order to account for the time diff
vide a way to announce upcoming events, the daily school bulletin, district happenings, etc.
===== Messeng... ty Report]] provides message usage information by school, sender and message type based on the criteria yo... ty Report]] provides message usage information by school, sender and message type based on the criteria yo... he template you'll want to use is titled "Back to School."
Corresponding Video Lesson
* Messenger End U
ON SY.endYear = C.endYear AND SY.active = 1
JOIN School S ON S.schoolID = C.schoolID AND S.number IN (402... ndYear = C.endYear AND SY.active = 1
JOIN School S ON S.schoolID = C.schoolID AND S.number IN (402... -4b32-bc3a-f04b1c9f7a74'
WHERE DB_NAME() = 'osage_school_sandbox'
SET idpMetadataUrl ... nmetadata.xml?appid=fe845c24-66c4-42e3-a4cc-96ef0977cc15'
WHERE DB_NAME() = 'osage_school_staging'
ons. Examples are Demographics, Housing, Previous School, etc.
Field – This is a question or text within ... pplication. This allows families to come into the school and complete their OLR application.
Batch Post -... s ^
| Do you have the correct school years created and enabled for existing and/or new... t registration: Have you rolled students from one school year to the next?
Dear recipient.firstName recipient.lastName,
School of the Osage will employ Infinite Campus as our s... l update, devices and assistance are available at school sites and at Osage Fest (High School, August 9th, 3-7 pm).
Please click on this unique URL to complete t... .
If you have any questions, please contact your school office for assistance.
The Online Registration
tions for staff members who work in more than one school? ====
Yes. Staff members who work across schools ... the Junior High and in the afternoon at the High School. This teacher would need one District Assignment with the role of teacher for each school.
This can be accomplished by creating additiona... gn the staff member as a teacher at Harrison High School.
Corresponding Video Lesson
* Census Staff Em
//kb.infinitecampus.com/help/5996ba9|District and School Setup]]
* System Administration Resources
* Create a New School
* Modify existing School Informaiton
* Modify existing District Information
* Resources
====== School Store ======
===== Study Guides =====
[[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/school-store-setup-study-guide|School Store Setup]]
s a cap on the amount of fees a family pays for a school year.
===== Online Payments =====
===== School Store =====
===== Activity Registration =====
===== Mobil
calendar icon. | fosterCare.endDate |
| School of Origin | Indicates the school in which the student is enrolled at the time of placement in Foster Car
dule. Search for a student in Arthur Elementary School and view in the week view and print that version ... r a student at Harrison High or Arthur Elementary School. Add an end date of yesterday for a course in th
nxiety. Add meditation as a new treatment at your school.
Corresponding Video Lesson
* Health Setup: Treatment List (1:51)
Task: A parent at your school brings in Doxycycline that needs to be administer
==== What happens to my appointments if school is cancelled or there is an early dismissal? ====... ctice Activities =====
Task: A parent calls your school reporting that their student has recently been di