rting to Law Enforcement
It is the policy of the School of the Osage to report all crimes occurring on di... he principal, designee or other administrators or school staff will maintain all discipline records as dee... en if a student is not suspended or expelled from school. Likewise, a student may become ineligible for or... y defined by policy JGF as a serious violation of school discipline, shall not be allowed to be within 1,0
| Enrollment School | OLR Only ... noheader&firstseconly&noreadmore}}
===== Previous School =====
{{campus:registration:pasted:20230615-14391... d).*
My child is taking medication at School (inhaler, Epi-pen, other).*
(Students... ain more information and to plan for the upcoming school year.
+++If any changes occur or a new conditi
IGBCA: Programs for Homeless Students ======
The School of the Osage [[board:start|Board of Education]] r... liaison in the absence of the homeless liaison.
School of Origin
For the purposes of this policy, "school of origin" is defined as the school that the student attended when permanently housed or the school in wh
tudent ======
Any student who will be enrolled in school during the school year selected when you started the online registration process needs to be added on thi... signed court order that indicates otherwise. The school has no legal right to refuse biological parents access to their children and/or school records, unless a court mandates otherwise. If a
tudent – Any person who attends or has attended a school in the school district and for whom the district maintains education records.
Eligible Student – A stude... as reached age 18 or is attending a postsecondary school.
Parent – A biological or adoptive parent of a s... dentifiable student and that is maintained by the school district or an agent acting on behalf of the scho
nrolled in the district at the beginning of every school year and made available in the superintendent's o... siness hours for inspection. (§ 160.261, RSMo)
A school accountability report card for each school building in the district and the district as a whole will be p... g during business hours. At the beginning of each school year, the district shall notify the parents/guard
982, and who taught K or PK for at least one full school year in Missouri public schools prior to Septembe... tatutory requirements. Any course taught for high school credit requires appropriate subject and grade lev... |
| 054830 | | School Publications | SCHOOL PUB | JOURN, ENG, LANG ARTS, BS ED |
==== 5 - Speech and Dramatics ====
^ Cour
For the purposes of this policy, a counselor is a school counselor as defined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
School Counseling Advisory Council (SCAC) – A committee ... leaders, agency personnel, students, teachers and School Board members.
The School of the Osage's comprehensive school counseling program provides impor
ed Date | 02/25/2020 |
====== JEC-1: School Admissions ======
Persons seeking admission to th... register their children prior to the beginning of school so that the district can hire the appropriate staff and adequately prepare for the school year. In accordance with law, students enrolling ... , the district will not allow a student to attend school, including a district-sponsored preschool, daycar
nt officials and other schools concerning acts of school violence and other behaviors that endanger the we... finitions and terms apply to this policy:
Act of School Violence/Violent Behavior – The exertion of physi... erious physical injury to another person while on school property, including while on school transportation in service on behalf of the district or while involved
dents in Foster Care ======
(K–12 Districts)
The School of the Osage recognizes that students in foster c... ng in this state or who is awaiting foster care.
School of Origin – The school or preschool in which the student was enrolled at the time of placement in foster care. If the student's
with it the responsibility of the child to attend school regularly and to comply with the lawful policies, rules and procedures of the school district. This observance of school policies, rules and procedures is essential for permitting others to learn at school.
Therefore, the administration may exclude a stu
Enroll and Attend Only When Required by Law)
The School of the Osage School Board recognizes that there are situations where nonresident students and residents w... ree education may be allowed by law to attend the School of the Osage or district programs on a tuition ba... aining the district's grade-level grouping in the school the student will attend divided by the average da
nroll and Attend Only When Required by Law~~
The School of the Osage (District) encourages all eligible s... by law or a contractual relationship with another school district to attend, the student, parent, military... in the District for reasons other than attending school in the District. Under no circumstances shall ath... ich the student is not clearly entitled to attend school in the District. All other applications will be a
Last Reviewed Date | |
====== BBBB: School Board Ballot Issues ======
The School Board of the School of the Osage may place issues on the ballot as needed or as required by law.
Certifi... n percent of the votes cast for the member of the School Board receiving the greatest number of votes cast