h Infinite Campus Trainers, and Workshop with the School of the Osage Data Team.
Note, if you complete st... ists Below]]\\ \\
- **In-Person Workshops with School of the Osage's Data Team**\\ Attend an in-person ... urse. This will ensure you’re ready to go for the school year. Is it required? Yes \\ [[https://docs.googl... ugust 15, 1pm-3pm
* August 18, 1pm-3pm
4. After School Starts Q&A with Campus Trainers, August 28, time
====== Safe Schools ======
Annual Safe Schools MUSIC Training is available now. You will receive an email with your login in... ted for Vector Training.
Sexual Harassment Staff to Staff (35 minu... undaries (19 minutes)
MUSIC Seizure Training for School Personnel (38 minutes)
FERPA: Confidentiality of