for and participate in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Commercial Driver's License Drug a... ringhouse prior to allowing any driver to perform safety-sensitive functions. A full query provides access... ours, the driver will not be permitted to perform safety-sensitive functions until the full query is condu... signee to conduct the full query.
Limitations on Safety-Sensitive Functions
Drivers who refuse to provid
ed that the district:
Performs an individualized safety and risk analysis;
Determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from t... cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Supportive Measures – Nondisciplinary,
iewed Date | 02/22/2001 |
====== EB: Safety Program ======
The Board recognizes the necessity for a planned safety program to create a safe environment for the stud... upport staff.
Every attempt will be made to meet safety and health standards established by state and fed... ilding administrator will develop and implement a safety program, report hazardous conditions to the super
priority order, of investment activities shall be safety, liquidity and yield.
1. SafetySafety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken... n on investment is of secondary importance to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The cor
taining a safe environment to protect the health, safety and welfare of students.
This policy outlines ke... tudent's parents/guardians to discuss support and safety systems, available resources, coping skills and c... tudent's parents/guardians to discuss support and safety systems, available resources, coping skills and c... when the information is relevant to the student's safety or the safety of another person.
Release of a st
k Assessment ======
To further the goal of school safety, and in accordance with the Missouri School Impro... or verbal), actions or gestures that threaten the safety of any person at any district facility will be ta... viduals whose behavior might pose a threat to the safety of district students or staff. Unless it is not f... there is an imminent threat to school or district safety, the superintendent or designee will convene an e
ent or financial aid.
5. Maintaining the safety and security of the campus.
6. Under the... ticulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other persons. The nature of the ... d parties without parental consent in a health or safety emergency, the district will record the articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of individuals that formed the basis for the disc
f students are a necessary part of the district's safety program. District administrators will publicize t... ate student dismissal procedures that protect the safety of students while also addressing the necessary f... pal if they have concerns regarding the student's safety or whether a person is authorized to transport th... parents or other authorized persons, keeping the safety of students in mind.
ardous Materials ======
To promote the health and safety of the students, staff and patrons of the distric... where hazardous materials threaten the health or safety of persons on district property or when hazardous... rials on district property threaten the health or safety of people in the surrounding area.
The... ployees will be provided appropriate training and safety devices when handling these materials.
ntial to endanger individuals or public health or safety. The Board affirmatively states that disclosure would impair its ability to protect the health or safety of persons and that the public interest in nondis... ict where public disclosure would threaten public safety. Procurement records or expenditures relating to ... the district’s ability to protect the security or safety of persons or real property and that the public i
communication devices, to improve efficiency and safety. The district expects all employees to use commun... association with the employee's job and adequate safety precautions are taken.
Even in these situations, employees should first take all possible safety precautions before using communication devices.
s a reasonable student to fear for their physical safety or property; that substantially interferes with t... iven to whether the student poses a threat to the safety of any child or school employee and whether the s... egatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put the student in a ridiculous,
necessary to implement the district's health and safety program.
Such other services as assigned by the ... ent without parental consent unless the health or safety of the student or others is in question or unless... Not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student or other students.
As used in this
ngs ("images and recordings") for educational and safety purposes. In general, these images and recordings... ticulable and significant threat to the health or safety of students or other persons and the disclosure i... r recording is necessary to protect the health or safety of students or other individuals.
Note: The rea
4/24/2006 |
====== GBE: Staff Health and Safety ======
The health and safety of all district personnel is of vital importance to the school district. The... tions that may present a threat to the health and safety of staff members. The district will respond to em