hanical or electronic means.
Recording – For the purposes of this policy, "recording" means audio and visua... rder;
Professional staff development;
Educational purposes; and
Other purposes related to furthering the educational mission of the district.
However, because the di... , staff and students may be recorded for research purposes or by preservice education professionals for eval
member's job description.
Staff Member – For the purposes of this policy, a staff member is any individual ... th students and parents/guardians for educational purposes using a variety of effective methods, including e... pply to electronic communications for educational purposes, regardless of when those communications occur. S... cate with students electronically for educational purposes between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Sta
1): Student Records ======
For the purposes of this procedure, the following terms are define... district law enforcement unit for law enforcement purposes.
3. An employment record that relates ex... sonal information collected from students for the purposes of marketing or for selling or otherwise providin... ntends to enroll as long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the enrollment or transfer.
he last completed assessment for state and county purposes.
Tax Rate Hearing Notice
The School of the Osag... Tax rates proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation.
5. Increase in tax revenue ... district. Bond proceeds may be used only for the purposes set forth in the bond resolution and as allowed b... equipment for use by the district for educational purposes.
The district is committed to full c
► Clearly state expectations and purposes as these relate to district operations, programs,... support staff to achieve stated expectations and purposes subject to the financial resources of the distric... activities to determine how well expectations and purposes are being met.
► Evaluate the efforts o
ce workers or bus drivers.
Next of Kin – For the purposes of military caregiver leave, the nearest blood re... sband or wife. In accordance with law and for the purposes of this policy, this includes the other person wi... of the individual case.
Leave Use
For all FMLA purposes except military caregiver leave, the district ado
l, social, civic, philanthropic and other similar purposes when the facilities are not being used by the dis... l, social, civic, philanthropic and other similar purposes. Equipment will not be removed from district prop... es as an emergency shelter or for other emergency purposes if such use does not otherwise conflict with the
e personal identifier used by the student for the purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic syste... nd to raise funds for district activities for the purposes of encouraging membership or participation in the... ment of Social Services for official governmental purposes:
The student's address, telephone number and e-m
ren to the District under this provision. For the purposes of this exception, “residential real property” do... am shall be counted as a resident student for the purposes of determining state aid.
In accordance with law... her count the students as residents for state aid purposes or allow them to attend upon payment of tuition b
inition. District policies prohibit both but, for purposes of its Title IX obligations, the district must sp... FERPA statute or regulations or to carry out the purposes of Title IX, including the conduct of any investi... ing definitions are intended for use only for the purposes of this policy.
Actual Knowledge – Notice of sex
cludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes or 1) a Build America Bond; 2) a Qualified School... nt records provided to the rebate analyst for the purposes of preparing the calculation.
5. Forms 8... experts to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this compliance procedure.
3. When ap
the homeless liaison.
School of Origin
For the purposes of this policy, "school of origin" is defined as ... on to receive verification of this status for the purposes of applying for federal student aid.
The homeles
hey are current.
===== Definitions =====
For the purposes of this policy and related procedures and forms, ... r an adult for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. In making decisions to fully or partially disabl
s the primary caregiver.
(Note: "Family" for FMLA purposes is more limited.)
Illness, injury or incapacity o... orming duties as a volunteer firefighter. For the purposes of this section, "volunteer firefighter" includes
hed under the direction of a faculty sponsor. Its purposes are to promote communication between classes and ... the direction of a designated faculty member. Its purposes are to inform the district staff, students and co