tudent Relations ======
Educational Purpose – A reason associated with the staff member's dut... member's job description.
Staff Member – For the purposes of this policy, a staff member is any individual... udents.
An emergency situation or an educational purpose might justify deviation from some of the professi... nder no circumstance will an educational or other purpose justify deviating from the "Absolute Prohibitions
1): Student Records ======
For the purposes of this procedure, the following terms are defin... district law enforcement unit for law enforcement purposes.
3. An employment record that relates e... t and that is not available for use for any other purpose.
4. Records that contain information abo... records will be professional and for the limited purpose of serving the student.
3. P
hanical or electronic means.
Recording – For the purposes of this policy, "recording" means audio and visu... rder;
Professional staff development;
Educational purposes; and
Other purposes related to furthering the educational mission of the district.
However, because the ... , staff and students may be recorded for research purposes or by preservice education professionals for eva
eakers or speakers from outside the district. The purpose of this policy is to establish the parameters for... and be directly related to the curriculum or the purpose of the event.
2. The presentation must b... rams for district employees or the Board. For the purposes of this policy, outside speakers are those who a... , and the content of the speech is limited to the purpose of the forum and the specific topic or theme the
d agreements entered into by the district for the purpose of assisting the underwriters of such disclosure ... cludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes or 1) a Build America Bond; 2) a Qualified Schoo... nt records provided to the rebate analyst for the purposes of preparing the calculation.
5. Forms ... ents for an issue of tax-advantaged obligations.
Purpose and Scope
The district recognizes that:
ement is prohibited on district property. For the purposes of this policy, advertisement includes, but is n... ponsored groups are allowed to advertise. For the purpose of this policy, a group is affiliated with the di... or use personal information from students for the purpose of marketing or selling that information or other... ise providing that information to others for that purpose unless required by law. For the purposes of this
ce or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secure... aint of sexual harassment under Title IX, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secure... inition. District policies prohibit both but, for purposes of its Title IX obligations, the district must s... ate of the date, time, location, participants and purpose of all hearings, investigative interviews or othe
es that require an employee to miss work, and the purpose of this policy is to identify situations where pa... s the primary caregiver.
(Note: "Family" for FMLA purposes is more limited.)
Illness, injury or incapacity ... the beginning or ending of school except for the purpose of attending a funeral. If it should be necessary... successive hours while the polls are open for the purpose of voting. Requests for such leave must be made p
onsists of funds that are mandated for a specific purpose by external parties, constitutional provisions or... nsists of funds that are set aside for a specific purpose by the District's highest level of decision makin... t aside with the intent to be used for a specific purpose by the District's highest level of decision makin... ates the authority to assign amounts for specific purpose(s) to either the Finance Committee or the CFO.
ren to the District under this provision. For the purposes of this exception, “residential real property” d... and are enrolled in the District for the limited purpose of special education identification and the recei... ents will be considered resident students for the purpose of determining average daily attendance, and the ... y from a teacher employed by the District for the purpose of paying tuition or any other expenses for the o
es that require an employee to miss work, and the purpose of this policy is to identify situations where pa... s the primary caregiver.
(Note: "Family" for FMLA purposes is more limited.)
Illness, injury or incapacity ... the beginning or ending of school except for the purpose of attending a funeral. If it should be necessary... successive hours while the polls are open for the purpose of voting. Requests for such leave must be made p
ce workers or bus drivers.
Next of Kin – For the purposes of military caregiver leave, the nearest blood r... treatment facility or a unit established for the purpose of providing command and control of members of th... sband or wife. In accordance with law and for the purposes of this policy, this includes the other person w... of the individual case.
Leave Use
For all FMLA purposes except military caregiver leave, the district ad
ng Federal Funds—allowable Expenses) ======
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that federal funds... ot be applied later as a direct cost for the same purpose under like circumstances);
Be determined in acco... and indirect costs.
Costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances will be treated consistentl... pital assets that may be used by the district for purposes not related to the federal award after the proje
he last completed assessment for state and county purposes.
Tax Rate Hearing Notice
The School of the Osa... Tax rates proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation.
5. Increase in tax revenue... ey in anticipation of collection of taxes for the purpose of securing funds for school operations, includin... district. Bond proceeds may be used only for the purposes set forth in the bond resolution and as allowed
e School of the Osage's technology exists for the purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities and ac... which positively impact student achievement.
The purpose of this policy is to facilitate access to distric... hey are current.
===== Definitions =====
For the purposes of this policy and related procedures and forms,... r an adult for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. In making decisions to fully or partially disab