unication device used is owned by the employee or provided by the district.
Employees are responsible for k... cation devices when:
1. Driving district-provided vehicles, regardless of whether the vehicle is ow... t is being transported when the transportation is provided as part of the employee's job.
3. Superv... ore using communication devices.
Use of District-Provided Communication Devices
The district may provide c
files a formal complaint, written notice will be provided to all known parties and will include:
Notice of... ice, notice of the additional allegations will be provided to all known parties.
Range of Possible Disciplin... of the grievance procedure on an emergency basis provided that the district:
Performs an individualized sa... harassment under Title IX only when the evidence provided more clearly and more probably favors the complai
in the district's communications plan and notices provided to district employees, the district will provide ... i Sunshine Law. The following information will be provided to the public upon request or as otherwise design... copy of the district's discipline policy will be provided to the student and parent/guardian of every stude... ls with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be provided to the public by conducting the following activit
gement - (Meal Charges) ======
Unless meals are provided at no charge, the district expects students and e... ach school year, a copy of this procedure will be provided to every parent/guardian in the district as requi... bout free and reduced-price school meals, will be provided to the parents/guardians of all students who enro... hool year.
A copy of this procedure will also be provided to all building administrators, staff responsible
's health.
The following leaves with pay will be provided to full-time support staff employees. Regular par... 50 per year of service up to a maximum of $1,000, provided enough sick leave days have been accumulated to qualify. For example, $50 x 20 years=$1,000, provided 50 days of sick leave days have been accumulated ... leave days do not accumulate.
Personal leave is provided for absences due to compelling reasons over which
's health.
The following leaves with pay will be provided to full-time professional staff employees. Regula... 50 per year of service up to a maximum of $1,000, provided enough sick leave days have been accumulated to qualify. For example, $50 x 20 years=$1,000, provided 50 days of sick leave days have been accumulated ... may accumulate as sick leave.
Personal leave is provided for absences due to compelling reasons over which
students have access and includes transportation provided by the district. The Board instructs the superint... tants, pesticides or other chemicals except those provided by the district.
The district will not serve any... ctor will create an ingredient list for all foods provided by the district as part of the district’s nutrition program, including food provided during the school day and in before- and after-sc
e. The grievance must be in writing, on the forms provided by the district, and include a copy of the provis... loyee should submit a written grievance, on forms provided by the district, to the immediate supervisor. The... cision in writing. A copy of the decision will be provided to the grievant.
Principal or Designee (Step 2)
... t may appeal the decision in writing, using forms provided by the district, to the principal or designee. Th
e to each new employee upon hiring. Notice may be provided electronically in accordance with law.
Eligibili... or an FMLA-qualifying reason. Such notice will be provided at the commencement of the first instance of leav... ualifying reason during a single 12-month period, provided that the employee is entitled to no more than 12 ... uses to account for use of other forms of leave, provided that it is not greater than one hour and provided
ay be incorporated into district enrollment forms provided to all students.
Students whose LUS indicates a ... fied during the school year, such notice shall be provided within two weeks of the student being placed in a... ghts, which may be a copy of this policy, will be provided to parents/guardians of EL students and, to the extent practicable, will be provided in a language the parents/guardians understand.
ormation regarding the employment of, or services provided by, a current or former employee including, but n... oyee. The district will not endorse any reference provided outside the directives of this policy and is not ... licy.
Content of Reference Disclosure
Information Provided as Required by Law
In accordance with law, the f... ation about employees or former employees will be provided to any entity or person upon request:
s, and enrollment in other virtual course options provided through the district. Students who seek full-time... This could result in entire course loads that are provided through virtual courses from the district, distri... before the student may enroll in virtual courses provided by or paid for by the district or through MOCAP.
... P or Section 504 team must go through the process provided under federal law.
Attendance and Completion
g with students in any setting where students are provided, are consuming or are encouraged to use or consum... gardless of whether the communication methods are provided by the district or the staff member uses his or h... ational purposes, staff members must use district-provided devices, accounts and forms of communication (suc... al networking sites), when available. If district-provided devices, accounts and forms of communication are
f labor or professional expertise other than that provided by district employees in the scope of their dutie... sure that the prices of the products and services provided remain competitive. Textbook providers will be de... e, regardless of the ultimate cost of the service provided. Instead, the purchasing officer will contact at ... ker or other service provider that has previously provided services to the district. This exception does not
mate district purpose is not a breach of security provided that the personal information is not used in viol... tion or jeopardize national or homeland security, provided that such request by law enforcement is made in w... nforcement agency communicates that notice may be provided, the notice will be provided without unreasonable delay.
If the district must provide notice to more than