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====== Procedure DC-1-AP(1): Taxing and Borrowing Authority and Li... Provision ======
This document is the compliance procedure for the School of the Osage.
Annual... ire and/or checklist described in this compliance procedure that is completed each year for an issue of tax-a... e regarding matters referenced in this compliance procedure.
Bond-Restricted Funds – The funds, accounts and
Reviewed Date | 02/21/2023 |
====== Procedure DJF-1-AP(1): Purchasing ======
The district ope... mployees strictly adhere to district policies and procedures when making purchases for the district.
Laws Re... dition to the requirements of policy DJF and this procedure, when a purchase involves federal funds or a fede... rd, the rules detailed in policy DJFA and related procedures must also be followed.
ent Suspension and Expulsion ======
The following procedures apply to all students. However, additional procedures for discipline for students with disabilities are som... and to comply with the lawful policies, rules and procedures of the school district. This observance of school policies, rules and procedures is essential for permitting others to learn at s
superintendent or designee is directed to create procedures to implement this policy and to regularly review those procedures to ensure they are current.
===== Definitions =====
For the purposes of this policy and related procedures and forms, the following terms are defined:
Tec... must agree to follow the district’s policies and procedures and sign or electronically consent to the distri
ose of this policy and any related administrative procedures is to ensure that all purchases of supplies, equ... tation with the purchasing officer, shall develop procedures to implement this policy in a manner that will m... while protecting the district's resources. These procedures will comply with all applicable laws and will ce... ith the purchasing officer, is directed to create procedures that allow the district to benefit from cooperat
The policies adopted by the Board and the procedures and directives developed by the superintendent t... ucation]]'s policies and the district's rules and procedures. The superintendent, administrators and supervis... ent and enforce Board policies and administrative procedures. Questions regarding the interpretation of a policy or procedure will be directed to the superintendent and, if ne
====== Board Policy and Procedures ======
((“About Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.” Navigating Policy Manuals | Missouri School Bo... execute it. The basic definitions of policies and procedures, as defined by the Missouri School Boards’ Assoc... t and to meet the educational needs of students.
Procedures put policy into practice. They tell how, by whom
Regularly scheduled inspections.
2. Procedures for reporting dangerous conditions.
3. Procedures for receiving and responding to requests for repairs. These procedures will include methods for tracking the completion... ase.
6. The use of cleaning products and procedures in accordance with recommendations by the Missou
llow state and federal law, district policies and procedures, and other rules created to protect the informat... officer is directed to create and review district procedures on collecting and protecting district data inclu... nd enforcing the district's security policies and procedures applicable to electronic data and suggesting changes to these policies and procedures to better protect the confidentiality and securi
Include information on the district's grievance procedures and grievance process;
State that the requireme... dividual responsible for implementing policy AC.
Procedures Prior to or without a Formal Complaint
When the ... line of students is addressed in the policies and procedures that establish the district's comprehensive code... prior to the start or completion of the grievance procedure on an emergency basis provided that the district:
he School of the Osage.
Development of Rules and Procedures
The superintendent, with the assistance of buil... and professional staff, shall establish rules and procedures for student attendance within the district. The ... ry purpose of the district's attendance rules and procedures shall be to change behavior, not to punish students. Such rules and procedures shall be published on the district's website and
Reviewed Date | 07/22/2019 |
====== Procedure EF-AP(1): Food Service Management - (Meal Charges... is subject to the limitations established in this procedure.
At the beginning of each school year, a copy of this procedure will be provided to every parent/guardian in the ... t as required by law. In addition, a copy of this procedure, along with information about free and reduced-pr
will publicize this policy to parents and create procedures regarding the dismissal of students.
Dismissal ... rict administrators will create student dismissal procedures that protect the safety of students while also a... cessary flow of traffic to and from school. These procedures may vary depending on the age of the student. Di... designee. Each building principal will establish procedures to validate requests for early dismissal to assu
Reviewed Date | 02/21/2023 |
====== Procedure KB-AP(1): Public Information Program ======
In ad... pt a student out of an assessment and, if so, the procedure for doing so. (20 U.S.C. § 6312, § 160.570, RSMo)... imination or harassment and information about the procedures for filing a harassment or discrimination compla... ict will provide written notice of the district's procedure on unpaid meal charges to each household in the d
Reviewed Date | 08/10/2020 |
====== Procedure JFG-AP(1): Searches of Students - (Drug-Detection Dogs) ======
The primary purpose of this procedure is to protect the safety and health of the distri... d survey. The survey will not target any person.
Procedure for Conducting Drug-Detection Dog Survey
1. ... ents and staff will then be permitted to return.
Procedure Following the Drug-Detection Dog Survey
At no ti