start|Board of Education]] believes that engaging parents and families in the education process is essentia... ation is a responsibility shared by the district, parents, families and other members of the community.
Fo... an environment that encourages collaboration with parents, families and other members of the community. The... rsonnel, local associations, and organizations of parents of district students, will develop and implement
rovide information included in the report card to parents/guardians, community members, the print and broad... such as real estate and employment firms, so that parents/guardians and businesses from outside the distric... sessments will be distributed to each student and parents/guardians of minor students at the beginning of e... f each school year, the district shall notify the parents/guardians of each student that the district will
e of serving the student.
3. Parents and/or students may refuse to disclose a student'... he law.
B. Review of Education Records by Parents or Eligible Students
1. Education records shall be open for inspection by parents and eligible students. Both parents have access to their child's school records until and unless a court o
ng so is contrary to the request of the student's parents/guardians or the student if unaccompanied by a pa... priority to the request of the homeless student's parents/guardians or the unaccompanied youth.
The choice ... e school of origin or the school requested by the parents/guardians or unaccompanied youth, the district sh... given in a manner and form understandable to the parents/guardians or unaccompanied youth and shall includ
ntal involvement and outreach activities, provide parents/guardians of English learners with information about how the parents/guardians can be active participants in helping t... d meet state-established learning standards.
The parents/guardians of each student identified as an EL stu... et the student's IEP objectives.
Parental Rights
Parents/Guardians will be notified within 30 days after t
Last Revised Date: 09/09/2019
District Property
Parents/Guardians and patrons of the district are welcome... given permission.
The district understands that parents/guardians sometimes need to briefly communicate w... to mediate visitation and custody disputes among parents/guardians and other relatives or accommodate visi... istracting to a student. The district discourages parents/guardians, grandparents and other relatives from
Parent and Eligible Student Access
All parents may inspect and review their student's education ... tudent; however, under the Missouri Sunshine Law, parents maintain some rights to inspect student records e... nd the record.
The district will annually notify parents and eligible students of their rights in accordan... ent notifies the district in writing as directed. Parents and eligible students will be notified annually o
====== KDA: Custodial and Noncustodial Parents ======
The School of the Osage [[board:start|Board of Education]] encourages parents to be actively involved in their child’s educatio... e for continuing and meaningful contact with both parents. Therefore, in accordance with Board policy, the district will not prohibit parents from accessing records, attending activities or p
. If suspension is imposed, the student's parents or guardians must be promptly notified of the sus... :
a. The student, his or her parents, guardians or others having custodial care have a... n written request of the student or the student's parents, to consider appeals from student suspensions in ... ll be adhered to:
1. The student and the parents/guardians will be advised of the charges against
duced-price school meals, will be provided to the parents/guardians of all students who enroll after the be... e point of service, staff involved with notifying parents/guardians about account balances, school social w... punished by the district for the failure of their parents/guardians to pay for or provide meals, and the di... aid meal charges, the district will encourage the parents/guardians to submit an application for free and r
gnee will be responsible for all notifications to parents/guardians regarding health services. The services... h plans (IEHPs) for students in consultation with parents/guardians and health care providers, including IH... HPV) and may provide this information directly to parents/guardians but not to students. The nurse will also provide parents/guardians and students information that is produc
al requirements and is efficient and welcoming to parents/guardians and students. Enrollment
In general, i... icies, regulations and procedures. Students whose parents/guardians are being relocated to Missouri under m... ation to Missouri of one or both of the student's parents/guardians under military orders. Students who do ... are orphans, have only one parent living or their parents do not contribute to their support, as long as th
ict staff and are not intended to be disclosed to parents, students, the media, law enforcement or other in... access student records.
2. Disclosure to Parents or Eligible Students – Parents may inspect records of their personally identifiable student, including ima... ng must be disclosed to all eligible students and parents of students to which the recording is directly re
incipal, nurse or other designee will contact the parents/guardians to inform them of the situation. If a p... rincipal, nurse or other designee will notify the parents/guardians, who will be responsible for securing t... incipal, nurse or other designee will contact the parents/guardians or other appropriate parties.
Transpor... on and adult supervision is the responsibility of parents/guardians except as otherwise provided in this pr
rector immediately.
The district will notify all parents/guardians and students of its obligations under t... evaluated for special education services and the parents/guardians disagree with the evaluation, the parents/guardians may obtain an independent educational evalua... law.
Students Placed in Private Schools by Their Parents/Guardians
For the purpose of this policy, a "pri