nd forward that information to the local division office of the CD. The liaison(s) shall develop protocols... with the chief investigator of the local division office to ensure information regarding the status of a c... e may also notify law enforcement or the juvenile office when appropriate. Mandated reporters who have rea... ee may request that the report be referred to the Office of Child Advocate for Children's Protection and S
s. Employees should contact the district business office prior to making a purchase outside the authorized... request will be forwarded to the superintendent's office for review. If the superintendent determines that... not limited to, the purchase of food, textbooks, office supplies or services such as bus maintenance or p... ard will submit the receiving slip to the central office for documentation.
If the product is not what wa
onsored program, such as tutoring or acting as an office or teaching assistant.
Chaperone – A volunteer, ... nteer include persons who regularly assist in the office or library, mentor or tutor students, coach or su...
12. Volunteers must sign in and out of the office when entering or leaving the school and must docu... d volunteer to the superintendent's or designee's office for volunteer certification. Supervisors of activ
l year and made available in the superintendent's office during normal business hours for inspection. (§ 1... r. A copy will also be maintained in the district office for public viewing during business hours. At the ... o the informational media, the local unemployment office and any major employers contemplating large layof... lic place the hotline contact information for the Office of Inspector General of the ED, so that any indiv
acy during business hours in the superintendent's office commencing at 8:00 a.m. on the seventeenth Tuesda... be submitted in person to the district's central office during regular business hours. Withdrawal request... iled is equal to the number of positions for each office to be filled by the election. However, if the number of candidates filing for a particular office exceeds the number of positions to be filled in t
is a past or present corporate officer of any fee office, that office cannot be delinquent in the payment of any taxes owed the state. § 115.306, RSMo
6. ... ch they were candidates. § 130.071, RSMo
Oath of Office
Newly elected or appointed members of the Board ... alify as Board members when they take the oath of office and sign the oath, as required by law.
===== Ref
dministrative Services, guidance from the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Title 2 of the... is policy will be prohibited from holding a board office or representing the full board as an official spo... issouri Ethics Commission, the Attorney General's Office or DESE and other applicable funding agencies.
s. The Board shall elect replacements when either office is vacated or when the Board determines that the ... on request.
16. eliver to any successor in office all district books, moneys or other property in h... e responsible for ensuring that the duties of the office are properly completed even when those duties hav
rd members, must sign or check in at the building office prior to proceeding elsewhere in the building. Th... visitors to designated doors nearest the building office. It is the responsibility of all district employees to direct visitors to the office and report any person in violation of district ru
ard at a Board meeting. In a case of removal from office for excessive absences, a vacancy shall be declar... county council. The persons appointed shall hold office until the next school board election, when direct... a Board member by taking and signing the oath of office.
5. Notification of Legal Responsibiliti
5. Disclosure to the Juvenile Office – An image or recording may be disclosed to the juvenile office if it impacts the juvenile authorities' ability t... law enforcement officials other than the juvenile office if:
► It impacts law enforc
l exercise such powers as properly pertain to the office according to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revis... resident will fulfill the responsibilities of the office as follows:
Preside, when present, at all meetin... he presidency, the vice president will assume the office of president, and the board will elect a new vice
hours of submission, the person shall contact the office to verify that the lack of response was not due t... bmitting the appeal, the person shall contact the office of the superintendent to verify that the lack of
a petty cash fund in each school and in the Board office to facilitate minor purchases, refunds, collectio... onsible for the petty cash account in the central office.
The superintendent or designee will develop adm
f each year that will be available in the central office.
6. Maintaining in the central office a description of the program's goals, learner objectives a