d or parent, including issues involved with short-notice deployment, military events and related activitie... der to covered active duty, in the Armed Forces.
Notice to Employees
General Notice
The district will post notice to employees explaining FMLA benefits in accordance with law. If the distr
e public upon request or as otherwise designated:
Notice of all board meetings and meetings of committees ... ing student participation in any assessments. The notice will include information on whether a parent/guar... rior to November 1 each year:
Publish one public notice on the district's website that describes the scho... nd related services to children ages 3 to 21. The notice must also describe the district's responsibility
ion should be taken to prevent future incidents.
Notice of Breach of Personal Information
Breaches of co... n whose information may have been accessed.
This notice may be delayed if a law enforcement agency inform... Once the law enforcement agency communicates that notice may be provided, the notice will be provided without unreasonable delay.
If the district must provide no
lternate compliance officer listed in policy AC.
Notice of the Policy against Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
The district will provide notice of the district's prohibition on discrimination o... or professional agreements with the district. The notice will:
Include the name or title, office address,... holding such privilege has waived the privilege.
Notice to the Parties
When the complainant files a forma
oard, the superintendent or designee will publish notice of construction projects in excess of $50,000 in ... y law, the superintendent or designee may publish notice of the project in other locations likely to gener... bids from contractors, including websites, public notice boards and other publications.
Notice will appear once a week for two consecutive weeks. The published n
he Board secretary has the responsibility to post notice of Board meetings, subject to direction by the su... etings
In addition to the criteria listed below, notice of all Board meetings shall be given at least 24 ... when school is closed, unless for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical, in which case as much notice as is reasonably possible shall be given. The nat
lleged to exist for termination of such contract, notice of a hearing on charges and, if requested by the ... rdination, at least 30 days before service of the notice of charges, the superintendent will give the teac... in an effort to resolve the matter. Thirty days' notice is not necessary for termination for charges othe... iency and insubordination.
E. Notice of a hearing upon charges, together with a copy o
A list of material events requiring an event notice under the continuing disclosure undertaking for e... ies disclosures are submitted to the MSRB.
Event Notice – Notice of the occurrence of an event for which notice is required by the continuing disclosure undertaking to be
for state and county purposes.
Tax Rate Hearing Notice
The School of the Osage will annually set the ta... ublic and conducting at least one public hearing. Notice of the hearing will be given by publication in a ... wspaper of general circulation or by posting such notice in at least three public places within the distri... y to attract attention so that the content of the notice becomes widely known or a place with a likelihood
seventeenth Tuesday before the election, publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation of the open... to candidates. (See BBB-AF2.)
Prepare a written notice to candidates of their obligation to file a finan... received the MEC's summary of laws and a written notice of their obligation to file a financial interest ... copy of a summary of laws from the MEC.
Written notice of the candidate's obligation to file a financial
opening the proposals, the district will publish notice of the RFP once a week for two consecutive weeks ... y, the district will publish the RFP by a virtual notice procedure. In accordance with law, the district will use the virtual notice procedure only if the district uses virtual notice for at least 20 various purchases, design contracts, c
ws for termination for any reason at the end of a notice period, the employee may appeal the termination to the Board by filing a written notice of appeal with the superintendent after receiving the notice of charges and within the time frame specified by... ws for termination for any reason at the end of a notice period and such notice is given, the employee's c
of the time leave is requested. However, 30 days' notice is required by law if the leave qualifies as FMLA leave and such notice is practical. The administrator will respond prom... er FMLA. Employees are required to give 48 hours' notice of the need for leave unless such notice is not practicable. The district may require certification of th
of the time leave is requested. However, 30 days' notice is required by law if the leave qualifies as FMLA leave and such notice is practical. The administrator will respond prom... er FMLA. Employees are required to give 48 hours' notice of the need for leave unless such notice is not practicable. The district may require certification of th