com/help/foster-care|Foster Care]]
Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care
The Foster... ars (current year, M1 and P1).
{{:campus:student_information:program_participation:pasted:20230919-091335.png}... gin |
| Comments | Lists any additional information related to the student's placement into Foster Ca... February (R)
* April (R)
* June (R)
Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care
Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless
The Homeless tab records basic homeless information as well as district-defined fields. The list of h... cords is sorted by Start Date.
{{:campus:student_information:program_participation:pasted:20230919-090546.png}... Edits can be completed with the [[campus:student_information:program_administration:federal_state_program_upda
Section 504 is managed by the [[campus:student_information:spedtrack|SpedTrack]] integration.
The S... aff can print a Summary Report of the Section 504 information.
Section 504 refers to Section 504 of the Rehabi... managing Section 504 students.
{{:campus:student_information:program_participation:pasted:20230919-101501.png}... Edits can be completed with the [[campus:student_information:program_administration:federal_state_program_upda