s diagnosed during the school year, I, the parent/guardian, will notify the school nurse of the new status b... PONSORED SPORT WITHOUT THE STUDENT’S AND PARENT’S/GUARDIAN/S SIGNATURE.
I understand that in the case of i... ble attempt will be made to contact the parent or guardian in the case of the student-athlete being a minor,... he event of an emergency or when the Parent(s) or Guardian is unable to directly supervise health care servi
roll a student in the District, the parent, legal guardian, military guardian, person acting as a parent or the student must provide proof of legal residency in the D... child shall be the domicile of a parent, military guardian pursuant to a military-issued guardianship or court-appointed legal guardian. A "power of attorney" document alone, with the e
policy will be provided to the student and parent/guardian of every student enrolled in the district at the ... tice will include information on whether a parent/guardian can opt a student out of an assessment and, if so... s enrolling students in the district. If a parent/guardian indicates on an application for free and reduced-... th insurance, the district will notify the parent/guardian that the MHK program is available, if household i
s, the employee will contact the student's parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian is also unavailable, or at the parent's/guardian's request, the employee will contact emergency services.
W... or leaves after being located, contact the parent/guardian to explain the district's concern.
If the studen
e allowed to register remotely without the parent/guardian or student being physically present.
Students wh... sion process, the district may require the parent/guardian to provide documentation of the student's age for... dentification or an affidavit sworn by the parent/guardian in the presence of a district official.
Entrance... eds, after consultation with the student's parent/guardian. Likewise, a student who demonstrates that he or
====== Parent/Guardian ======
Parents and guardians are those individuals that have legal authority and make... ton to begin.
For returning students, the parent/guardian on file displays. If there is information that is... ields, click the Edit button. To add a new parent/guardian, click the Add New Parent/Guardian button.
Existing Parents/Guardians cannot be removed from an annual upd
the Osage Board of Education requires any parent, guardian or person having control or charge of a child of ... - Select the Relationship option for the parent/guardian from the dropdown list.
- Select the Contact Pr... order medicine to be given at school, the parent/guardian would need to complete the school's Medication Form, and the parent/guardian would need to provide the medicine in the origina
the student's personal healthcare team and parent/guardian.
Medications – For the purposes of this policy, ... has received permission to do so from the parent/guardian. Over-the-counter medications must be delivered t... has received permission to do so from the parent/guardian and appropriate direction on how the medication i... with Diabetes: Upon written request of the parent/guardian and upon authorization by a student's diabetes me
officials will also contact the student's parent/guardian. District staff will interview the student as par... nsent for the interview is provided by the parent/guardian or the student if the student is 18 or older and ... e present during the interview. Unless the parent/guardian was already contacted, the principal or designee will attempt to contact the parent/guardian immediately after the interview.
Removal of Stude
ayers to the District (§ 167.151, RSMo)
A parent/guardian who pays a school tax in the School of the Osage ... n the school the student will attend.
The parent/guardian must submit a tax statement to the superintendent... ent will be admitted. The district and the parent/guardian will enter into a contract outlining the payment ... owed. Attendance will not begin until the parent/guardian makes the first payment, and the district may rem
t of the district's education program or a parent/guardian has given permission.
The district understands t... designee has the discretion to prohibit a parent/guardian or other relative from, for example, eating lunch... superintendent may grant permission for a parent, guardian or custodian of a student to be on district prope... if ever, and only in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be supervised at all times or w
a number of confidentiality laws, respects parent/guardian and community privacy concerns and seeks to minim... IDEA or Section 504
A student's parent or legal guardian may audio record any meeting about the student he... EP) and Section 504 meetings. The parent or legal guardian seeking to record must notify the district at lea... scheduled to occur. Recordings made by the parent/guardian will remain the property of the parent/guardian,
Students will only be released to the parent, guardian or designee of the parent or guardian or to other individuals or agencies as permitted or required by law.
... positively identified as the student's parent or guardian.
► Any person requesting release of a s... ve parent, including parents who are unmarried; a guardian; or an individual acting as a parent in the absen
udent. However, the district may require a parent/guardian of a homeless student to submit contact informati... dians or the student if unaccompanied by a parent/guardian.
Consider student-centered factors related to th... whether the homeless student lives with a parent/guardian or has been temporarily placed elsewhere. If the ... not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian. The liaison will work with unaccompanied youths