he [[#compliance_officer|compliance officer]] for further assistance. In cases not being handled under poli... described in this policy if necessary to prevent further potential discrimination, harassment or retaliati... submitted or modify and complete the report upon further investigation and/or review of applicable policy ... ces. Information may be disclosed if necessary to further the investigation, appeal or resolution of a grie
or software may be used with district technology. Further, no person will use the district's technology to ... yright Office of the designated agent's identity. Further, the district's website will include information
r risk factor in order to identify those who need further evaluation. Screening tests for various health co... others is in question or unless by court order.
Further, parents/guardians will be notified of the specif
e will not necessarily be the determining factor. Further, any student's placement may be adjusted by the p... lacement decisions. Once placed, the district may further adjust the student's placement to meet his or her
for students enrolled in the district. The Board further recognizes that not all of the district's goals a... tic program shall be conducted in the district to further the development of students as competitors and sp
iate notifications of the data breach and prevent further disclosure and harm to district students, employe... phone number that affected consumers may call for further information and assistance, if one exists.
district greater flexibility in using the funds. Further, a foundation is eligible for grants and gifts no... minimally consider whether the contribution will further the goals of the district, whether it will be use
ions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positi... tatistical rating organization. Eligible paper is further limited to issuing corporations that have a total