of the
substitute certificate. An Early Childhood Education is not appropriate for “Any certificate. . .” unl... ^
| Early Childhood Education (Pre-Kindergarten) | B-3, PK-3*, or EARLY CHLD S... y requirements.
==== 1 - Agriculture ====
Career education program area 01-04.
^ Course Code ^ CIP Code/Fo... equires VOC BS ED if course is an approved career education course. An asterisk [*] indicates courses that ar
hool district and for whom the district maintains education records.
Eligible Student – A student or former ... the absence of the student's parent or guardian.
Education Record – A record that is directly related to a p... agent acting on behalf of the school district. An education record may include information that is handwritte... includes biometric records such as fingerprints. Education records do not include:
1. Records kept
wed Date | |
====== IGBA-1: Special Education ======
Last Revised Date: 09/24/2018
It is the policy of the [[board:start|Board of Education]] to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services in accordance with the Indiv
nd such termination to the [[board:start|Board of Education]], and the Board will consider and take final act... r may be terminated by the [[board:start|Board of Education]] of a school district for one or more of the fol... blished regulations of the [[board:start|Board of Education]] of the school district employing him or her.
... y not be terminated by the [[board:start|Board of Education]] until after service upon the teacher of written
does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities, including employment and admissions, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). All forms of sex-b... ent as defined in Title IX that occurs within the education programs and activities of the district. However,... e basis of sex within the scope of the district's education programs or activities (as defined in this policy
provide students with appropriate instruction and educational services, it is necessary for the district to m... tem that includes protocols for releasing student education records. Principals are responsible for maintaining and protecting student education records in each school. The superintendent or des... rained annually on the confidentiality of student education records, as applicable for each employee classifi
The School of the Osage [[board:start|Board of Education]] recognizes that homeless students are particula... special assistance to access and benefit from the education environment. Therefore, the district, in accordan... e and federal law and the Missouri state plan for education of the homeless, will give special attention to e... and have access to a free and appropriate public education and related support services.
Eligibility for Se
vised Date: 08/10/2020
The [[board:start|Board of Education]] for the School of the Osage establishes the fol... including credits required by the State Board of Education.
2. Pass examinations on the provisions ... Have earned credit in the School of the Osage's educational program between the ninth and twelfth grades.
... for a student with a disability receiving special education services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabil
public school district, charter school or higher education institution (a “hosted MOCAP provider”). See poli... Definitions
District – The School of the Osage.
Education Services Plan and Collaborative Agreement (ESP) – A plan for providing educational services to virtual students. The plan may requ... public school district, charter school or higher education institution that is registered through the Depart
e assigned to the District by the commissioner of education due to an unusual or unreasonable transportation ... t for reasons other than accessing the District's educational program (§ 167.020, RSMo).
* Have a permanent... lared unaccredited by the Missouri State Board of Education (State Board) and that is located in the same cou... living in a school district that does not provide education for all grade levels (such as K–6 or K–8 school d
residents who are not otherwise entitled to free education may be allowed by law to attend the School of the... district may exclude students from the district's education programs after the responsible party is notified ... the summer school program.
Career and Technical Education Tuition (§ 178.510, RSMo)
If the district has a career and technical education program open to neighboring districts, the distri
permit personal identification of any student or educational personnel, on the number and percentage of stud... ligations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be provided to the public by cond... hool district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21. Th... hool district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21.
vised Date: 09/24/2018
The [[board:start|Board of Education]] of the School of the Osage recognizes that migratory students face many educational challenges that may interfere with their ability to succeed in the regular education program and meet the same challenging state achie... is committed to creating and supporting a migrant education program (MEP) designed to help migratory students
H: Staff / Student Relations ======
Educational Purpose – A reason associated with the staff me... mbers and students.
An emergency situation or an educational purpose might justify deviation from some of th... in this policy, but under no circumstance will an educational or other purpose justify deviating from the "Ab... olicy.
Failure to Maintain Boundaries
Unless an educational purpose exists or an exception as defined in th
wers and Duties ======
The [[board:start|Board of Education]] is a representative body elected by the registe... urpose and the role of the [[board:start|Board of Education]] to exercise general supervision over the school... ures of the Missouri State [[board:start|Board of Education]] and/or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the policies, rules and procedures of the sc