se assignments call for full-time employment only during the regular school term will receive ten days of ... d reduce the risk of infecting others, especially during a pandemic or other significant health event. In ... eave.
A district employee may not use sick leave during the period the employee receives Workers' Compens... mber of a retirement system shall remain a member during any period of leave under sick leave provisions o
se assignments call for full-time employment only during the regular school term will receive ten days of ... d reduce the risk of infecting others, especially during a pandemic or other significant health event. In ... eave.
A district employee may not use sick leave during the period the employee receives Workers' Compens... mber of a retirement system shall remain a member during any period of leave under sick leave provisions o
and attend district events; however, all visitors during business hours, including Board members, must sig... etimes need to briefly communicate with a student during the school day or during a school activity and will accommodate such communications when possible. Howeve... arents and other relatives from visiting students during school hours or school activities.
The superinte
viewing the test materials or questions prior to, during or after testing. Before and after test administr... distributed for test administration.
6. During the transcription process, ensure that all tests ... ing the test shall be allowed in the testing room during the testing session unless otherwise approved by ... obile and imaging devices, must not be accessible during any portion of the testing session. These types o
of a regular component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Force... of a reserve component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Force... er of the National Guard or Reserves) at any time during the period of five years preceding the date the e... er conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the five-year period prior to the first date the
the Board member will abstain and leave the room during any deliberation.
Gifts and Gratuities
Board me... hall abstain from voting and shall leave the room during consideration of the question and the vote, unles... made available for public inspection and copying during normal business hours.
This portion of the polic... eport the following transactions if they occurred during the previous calendar year. If no such transactio
and made available in the superintendent's office during normal business hours for inspection. (§ 160.261,... ntained in the district office for public viewing during business hours. At the beginning of each school y... notice on local radio and/or television stations during general viewing/listening hours that describes th... equent changes in a school's eligibility criteria during the school year shall be publicly announced in th
oes not permit the use of paid leave for absences during the period when the employee receives workers' co... ployee will not continue to accumulate paid leave during the absence.
Employees are required to use accum... , evaluation or to attend physical rehabilitation during work time. If paid leave has been exhausted and the employee must be absent during work time to receive medical treatment, evaluatio
document describing the programs to be conducted during the fiscal year and is the basis for the establis... received.
The total amounts that may be expended during the fiscal year for the operation of the school d... expended for that classification of expenditures during the school year unless a budget transfer is recom... by the superintendent and approved by the board. During the fiscal year, the superintendent may transfer
olicy. Reports may be made at any time, including during nonbusiness hours, by using the telephone number,... a false statement or providing false information during the grievance process.
If in the course of the i... ce an employee respondent on administrative leave during the pendency of the grievance process in accordan... bility and may not require the parties to do so.
During the investigation and the grievance process, the
be under assigned adult supervision at all times during school and during any school activity. Employees must not leave students unsupervised except as necessary... employees may not engage in political campaigning during the working day or during times when they are performing their official duties.
16. Employees will
oard, but the teacher's salary shall be continued during such suspension unless the law requires the suspe... eachers
A probationary teacher may be terminated during the course of a contract for any legal reason inc... ipals and assistant principals, may be terminated during the course of a contract for any legal reason inc... ted.
An administrator considered for termination during the term of their contract will receive the heari
n district grounds, on district transportation or during district activities unless explicitly authorized ... ecessity of administering a particular medication during the school day may, after consultation with the s... n district grounds, on district transportation or during district activities. The superintendent or design... n district grounds, on district transportation or during a district activity may be disciplined up to and
rst aid treatment for injury or illness occurring during the school day.
The administration of medication... ing the entity to turn over all records collected during the screening, destroy the information after prov... be notified of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when any nonemergency, invasive p... ves the exposure of private body parts or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertio
for the board may file a declaration of candidacy during business hours in the superintendent's office com... mitted in person to the district's central office during regular business hours. Withdrawal requests that ... prior to the opening date of candidate filing and during the filing period.
The candidate must personally... essary documents must be received by the district during the official candidate filing period in order for