ify a CRT member or the building administrator or designee. If the employee cannot reach the building administrator, designee or any of the CRT members, the employee will cont... hen a CRT member or the building administrator or designee receives notification that a student may be at risk of suicide, the CRT member, administrator or designee will take the following steps:
If the student ca
priately trained employees. The superintendent or designee will maintain a financial management system that ... ral award.
The superintendent or designee will, in all district accounts, identify all fede... expenditures.
The superintendent or designee will provide for accurate, current and complete d... e and Application of Funds
The superintendent or designee will maintain records that clearly identify the s
district-sponsored groups. The superintendent or designee is directed to create and enforce procedures addr... t obtaining the approval of the superintendent or designee. In some cases Board approval may also be require... istrict.
Use Restrictions
The superintendent or designee will determine which district facilities are avai... t available for public use. The superintendent or designee may limit the hours or days that district facilit
s determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. However, if the superintendent or designee determines that it would be detrimental to wait five business d... on was recently advertised, the superintendent or designee may utilize applications previously received with... is not considered vacant if the superintendent or designee transfers or reassigns an existing employee to th
The board directs the superintendent or designee to verify the background of all applicants for di... district or charter school, the superintendent or designee will contact the Department of Elementary and Sec... d the applicant. Minimally, the superintendent or designee shall request information about the applicant's p... irect reference requests to the superintendent or designee. Upon request, employees will assist the superint
Administrator Authority
The superintendent or designee has the authority to authorize audio and visual r... thorized under this policy, the superintendent or designee may prohibit any person or entity from recording:... te reasons as determined by the superintendent or designee.
Board Meetings, Performances and Activities Ope... ation
With permission from the superintendent or designee, staff and students may be recorded for research
st Revised Date: 02/25/2020
The superintendent or designee is responsible for determining the district's sup... s determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. However, if the superintendent or designee determines that it would be detrimental to wait five business d... on was recently advertised, the superintendent or designee may utilize applications previously received with
he situation or seek assistance from the nurse or designee. Employees or others who become ill or injured wh... e illness or injury is minor, the school nurse or designee will administer first aid care to the student. If the nurse or designee determines it is appropriate for the student to r... mainder of the day, the principal, nurse or other designee will contact the parents/guardians to inform them
select a CMAR.
3. The superintendent or designee will prepare a request for proposals or qualifica... acts each year.
5. The superintendent or designee will publicly open and read aloud the names of th... qualification submissions, the superintendent or designee will evaluate and rank each proposal or qualification submitted. The Board, superintendent or designee will select, based solely on qualifications, five
ly to a particular concern, the superintendent or designee will decide which process will govern. If any par... es involved in the process, the superintendent or designee will refer the matter to the district's private a... n will be provided to the grievant.
Principal or Designee (Step 2)
This step may be omitted if the principal or designee serves as the immediate supervisor at Step 1 or i
SO) and reports directly to the superintendent or designee. The district's information security officer is d... ntial information only when the superintendent or designee determines it is necessary. The district will pro... es, contractors and agents will notify the ISO or designee immediately if there is reason to believe confide... d, whether intentionally or otherwise. The ISO or designee will investigate immediately and take any action
report the incident to the building principal or designee for further investigation and action. Any school ... report the incident to the building principal or designee as soon as possible, but no later than two school... transmit the report to the building principal or designee.
If the bullying incident involves students from... ng, the report should be made to the principal or designee of the building in which the incident took place
port to the information security officer (ISO) or designee when they know or suspect that a security inciden... t Response
Once notified of an event, the ISO or designee will identify and remedy the weakness that allowe... ividual will be referred to the superintendent or designee for discipline and/or other consequences.
Data B... s, employees and business operations.
The ISO or designee will investigate the incident immediately and mak
to enroll in the District. The superintendent or designee will develop an admission process that meets lega... er.
The board delegates to the superintendent or designee the responsibility for bringing to the board's at... be accepted and granted by the superintendent or designee on behalf of the board. Once a waiver application... ed to the board for review, the superintendent or designee may permit a student to temporarily enroll and at
o district employees unless the superintendent or designee determines that unusual circumstances justify an ... t be approved in writing by the superintendent or designee who oversees that particular federal program and,... he payment is authorized by the superintendent or designee.
Original itemized receipts are r... tation must be submitted to the superintendent or designee within 30 days of the end of the travel.