ach parent has equal rights to the custody of the children UNLESS one of them has a signed court order that ... ight to refuse biological parents access to their children and/or school records, unless a court mandates ot... }}
===== Housing =====
The term “homeless children and youth”—
* means individuals who lack a fix... ighttime residence...; and
* includes —
* children and youths who are sharing the housing of other p
Now that household members have been established, children in the household must be identified. Check the ch... asted:20230724-033651.png}}
===== Indicate Foster Children =====
Once student household members have been id... r any of the student household members are foster children.
^ If a household member... ^ Then... ... ng}}
===== Indicate Migrant, Homeless, or Runaway Children =====
Once Foster students are identified, the ap
====== Non-Enrolled Children ======
For returning students, children who are also tied to the household of the student registering displ...
On an annual update application, if any existing children in the household should be registered for the upc
If you are a new family to the district, or your children are new students in the district, the New Student... enter all required information for enrolling your children, including mailing information, emergency contact... sage_school|New Family Registration]]
* If your children have been enrolled in the district in the past, t
school districts to determine whether or not all children in a family have health insurance.
Select whether or not all children in your family have healthcare insurance. If no i