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board_policy:kk [Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM] – removed - external edit (Unknown date) [Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM] (current) – ↷ Page moved from policy:board:kk to board_policy:kk Nathan C. McGuire
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 +<WRAP right 300px>
 +| Status                 | Adopted  |
 +| Original Adopted Date  | 03/23/2000  |
 +| Last Revised Date      |   |
 +| Last Reviewed Date       |
 +====== KK: Visitors to District Property  / Events ======
 +Last Revised Date: 09/09/2019
 +District Property
 +Parents/Guardians and patrons of the district are welcome to visit district schools and attend district events; however, all visitors during business hours, including Board members, must sign or check in at the building office prior to proceeding elsewhere in the building. The principal or designee of each school building will post appropriate signs to direct visitors to designated doors nearest the building office. It is the responsibility of all district employees to direct visitors to the office and report any person in violation of district rules.
 +Student Visitation
 +In general, visitors to district property are not allowed to speak directly with students unless it is part of the district's education program or a parent/guardian has given permission.
 +The district understands that parents/guardians sometimes need to briefly communicate with a student during the school day or during a school activity and will accommodate such communications when possible. However, the district refuses to mediate visitation and custody disputes among parents/guardians and other relatives or accommodate visits that the district determines could be distracting to a student. The district discourages parents/guardians, grandparents and other relatives from visiting students during school hours or school activities.
 +The superintendent or designee has the discretion to prohibit a parent/guardian or other relative from, for example, eating lunch with a student, attending class parties or field trips or pulling a student out of class if such a visit could interfere with the education program or be disruptive; if one of the parents/guardians objects; if there is a current dispute regarding custody or visitation of the student; or if district employees are uncertain as to whether a person may legally have contact with a student.
 +Classrooms Observations
 +Due to the disruptive effect on instructional activities and breach of student confidentiality, which can occur due to unstructured observations by parents/legal guardians of students during classroom instructional time, it is the policy of the School of the Osage that parent(s)/legal guardians or relatives of students may observe classes during instructional time in the school day provided approval of the principal is granted and visits are not to exceed 45 minutes at any given time. Parents or guardians of students (both regular education and qualified disabled) have several established ways of gaining information about the academic performance of their son/daughter without direct observation during instructional time. Some of these established options are as follows:
 +1.         Parent-Teacher Conference
 +2.         Open House
 +3.         Meetings with Counselor
 +4.         Meetings with Professional Personnel or Administrator(s)
 +5.         Meetings with Principal or Assistant Principal
 +6.         Report Cards and/or Progress Reports
 +7.         Homework sample(s)
 +8.         Classroom work sample(s)
 +9.         Standardized testing data
 +Parents or guardians of students who have concerns with regard to the assessment or evaluation of academic programs, teachers or student performance can request a professional administrator observe their son’s/daughter’s classroom and review these findings with the parent or guardians through an individual conference with the professional administrator.
 +Should parents/legal guardians wish to discuss the academic performance of their son/daughter with a classroom teacher (either regular or special program), they will contact that teacher to arrange an appointment to meet with him or her outside of instructional time. Conference time is available during the school day for this purpose. Also, conference time is available during the school day for Special Education teachers to discuss a student’s individualized educational program (IEP) or progress.
 +Service Providers
 +The district does not permit outside entities to provide services to students on district property unless the service providers are working with the students in conjunction with the district's student health services program or pursuant to an agreement with the district.
 +Prohibited Items
 +Visitors to district property may not possess weapons, including concealed weapons, on district property, on district transportation or at any district function or activity sponsored or sanctioned by the district unless the visitor is an authorized law enforcement official or is otherwise authorized by Board policy.
 +Visitors to district property may not possess or use alcohol or any substances that are illegal under state or federal law on district property, on district transportation or at any district function or activity sponsored or sanctioned by the district.
 +Appropriate Behavior
 +The School of the Osage believes that district events are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as a means for developing positive social interaction, good sportsmanship and appropriate behavior, in addition to knowledge and skills. Well-organized and well-conducted programs contribute to the morale of the student body and strengthen school-community relations.
 +To this end, the Board encourages district patrons to exhibit good sportsmanship, citizenship, ethics and integrity at all district events and at all times while on district grounds. The district will work with the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) and other organizations to promote good behavior by patrons at athletic and other events. The Board will work with parents/guardians, alumni associations and local service organizations to keep appropriate behavior a top priority. The superintendent will establish procedures for crowd control at district events consistent with this policy.
 +Registered Sex Offenders and Persons Prohibited on or Near District Property
 +Sex offenders required to be listed on the Missouri Highway Patrol's sex offender registry, or who have pled guilty, pled nolo contendere or been convicted of crimes for which the law currently requires offenders to be listed, regardless of when those crimes were committed, are not allowed on district property or transportation or at district activities, regardless of whether those activities are held on or off district property, unless access is required by law.
 +In accordance with law, the district also prohibits all persons who have pled guilty or nolo contendere to or who have been convicted of or found guilty of violating the following provisions from being on or within 500 feet of any school building, district property, district activity or any vehicle used to transport students:
 +1.         Any of the provisions in Chapter 566 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.
 +2.         Incest, § 568.020, RSMo
 +3.         Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree, § 568.045, RSMo
 +4.         Use of a child in a sexual performance, § 573.200, RSMo
 +5.         Promoting a sexual performance by a child, § 573.205, RSMo
 +6.         Sexual exploitation of a minor, § 573.023, RSMo
 +7.         Promoting child pornography in the first degree, § 573.025, RSMo
 +8.         Furnishing pornographic material to minors, § 573.040, RSMo
 +9.         Any offense committed in another state, a foreign country, or under tribal, federal or military jurisdiction that, if committed in this state, would be a violation listed above.
 +Despite the prohibitions in this section, the superintendent may grant permission for a parent, guardian or custodian of a student to be on district property for the limited purpose of attending meetings with district staff or in other situations where the student may benefit. Permission will be granted sparingly, if ever, and only in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be supervised at all times or will not be alone with a child. If the superintendent does not grant permission, the parent, guardian or custodian may seek permission from the Board. The superintendent will inform the principal and other relevant district staff of the scope of the permission granted.
 +This section may not apply to a student entitled by law to be on district property for educational services if the student's presence is necessary to obtain those services and the student is not otherwise prohibited by law from being on district property. The exceptions cited in this section do not apply if the person is otherwise prohibited or banned from district property by other sections of this policy.
 +Disruptive Conduct
 +If a visitor's conduct becomes disruptive, threatening or violent, the superintendent, principal or a designee of either may require the visitor to leave. The superintendent or designee may inform the visitor that he or she is not welcome back on district property or at district events indefinitely or for a specific period of time. During any period of prohibition, the visitor will not be allowed on district property. The superintendent may make exceptions for parents, guardians or custodians of students enrolled in the district if the person's presence is necessary to transport the student or may benefit the student educationally, or in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be supervised at all times. The superintendent may make an exception for visitors to attend a meeting of the Board or its committees but is not obligated to do so. This paragraph does not apply if the person is otherwise prohibited or banned from district property by other sections of this policy.
 +If a visitor prohibited from district property or events under this policy is on district property, district staff will contact law enforcement and/or escort the person from district grounds and inform the person of the district policy prohibiting his or her presence.
 +The superintendent, principal or a designee of either may file a report or sign a complaint with law enforcement on behalf of the district. The Board grants the superintendent or designee the authority to consult an attorney for guidance or to seek a court order banning the visitor from district property. A visitor denied access to district property may communicate with the Board in writing but will not be allowed back onto district property unless allowed by the Board.
 +Mo. Const. art.IX § 1(a)
 +Embry v. Lewis, 215 F.3d 884 (8th Cir. 2000)
 +Lovern v. Edwards, 190 F.3d 648 (4th Cir. 1999)
 +Miller v. Montgomery County R-II Sch. Dist., 2011 WL 1299536 (E.D. Mo. 2011)
 +Vukadinovich v. Board of Sch. Trustees of Mich. City, 978 F.2d 403 (7th Cir. 1992)
 +===== References =====
 +==== Cross References ====
 +[[rsmo>589.400|§ 589.400, RSMo]]
 +[[rsmo>566.149|§ 566.149, RSMo]]
 +==== Missouri Revisor of Statutes ====
 +==== Missouri School Improvement Program ====
 +==== United States Code ====
 +==== Code of Federal Regulations ====
 +==== Court Cases ====