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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 02/25/2019
Last Revised Date 02/21/2023
Last Reviewed Date 02/21/2023

Procedure KB-AP(1): Public Information Program

In addition to the information addressed in the district's communications plan and notices provided to district employees, the district will provide information to the public and the media as required by law, including the Missouri Sunshine Law. The following information will be provided to the public upon request or as otherwise designated: Notice of all board meetings and meetings of committees created by or at the direction of the board will be posted at the district's administrative offices and on the district's website when required by law. (§ 610.020, RSMo)

All written board policies, related documents and district handbooks will be available on the district's website. (§ 162.208, RSMo)

A written copy of the district's discipline policy will be provided to the student and parent/guardian of every student enrolled in the district at the beginning of every school year and made available in the superintendent's office during normal business hours for inspection. (§ 160.261, RSMo)

A school accountability report card for each school building in the district and the district as a whole will be produced in accordance with law and made available to the public on the district's website. The district will provide information included in the report card to parents/guardians, community members, the print and broadcast news media, and legislators by December 1 annually or as soon thereafter as the information is available to the district. The district will distribute the information in substantive official communications such as student report cards. The district will make reasonable efforts to supply copies of the reports or other information regarding the reports to businesses such as real estate and employment firms, so that parents/guardians and businesses from outside the district that may be contemplating relocation have access to this information. (20 U.S.C. § 6311, § 160.522, RSMo)

The district's policy on student participation in statewide assessments will be distributed to each student and parents/guardians of minor students at the beginning of each year. A copy will also be maintained in the district office for public viewing during business hours. At the beginning of each school year, the district shall notify the parents/guardians of each student that the district will provide, upon request and in a timely manner, information regarding any state or district policy regarding student participation in any assessments. The notice will include information on whether a parent/guardian can opt a student out of an assessment and, if so, the procedure for doing so. (20 U.S.C. § 6312, § 160.570, RSMo)

The district shall post on the district's website and, where practicable, on the website of each district school, information on any assessments required by state or federal law, including any assessments required by the district. The information shall include the subject matter being assessed, the purpose for the assessment, the source of the requirement for the assessment, and where the information on the assessment is available. The information shall also include the amount of time students will spend taking the assessments, the schedule for the assessments, and the time and format for disseminating the results, when such information is available. (20 U.S.C. § 6312)

Information, presented in terms understandable to a layperson, on the methods and materials used to teach reading in kindergarten through fourth grade will be available in the district's administrative offices. (§ 167.645, RSMo)

Information, presented in a way that does not permit personal identification of any student or educational personnel, on the number and percentage of students receiving remediation because they have not met reading standards on the state-mandated reading assessment will be available in the district's administrative offices. (§ 167.645, RSMo)

All human sexuality curriculum materials will be available to the public at the district's administrative offices. Parents/Guardians will be notified regarding the basic content of sexuality instruction and of their right to remove the student from any aspect of the program. (§ 170.015, RSMo)

Notification that the district does not tolerate illegal discrimination or harassment and information about the procedures for filing a harassment or discrimination complaint will be posted in all buildings and included in district publications in addition to being available in the district's administrative offices. (34 C.F.R. § 104.8, 106.8, 106.9; OCR Guidance)

Information regarding schools identified as persistently dangerous under federal law and an explanation of any options that parents/guardians have as a result of the designation will be available in the district's administrative offices. (Federal Guidance)

Information on the district's obligations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be provided to the public by conducting the following activities prior to November 1 each year:

Publish one public notice on the district's website that describes the school district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21. The notice must also describe the district's responsibility to refer infants and toddlers suspected of having a disability to the state early intervention system.

Air one public notice on local radio and/or television stations during general viewing/listening hours that describes the school district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21.

Place posters/notices in all administrative offices of each building operated by the school district that describe the district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21.

Provide written information through general distribution to the parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school district that describes the school district's responsibility to provide special education and related services to children ages 3 to 21. (State Plan for Special Education)

The district will provide information about the state children's health insurance program, MO HealthNet for Kids (MHK), to parents/guardians enrolling students in the district. If a parent/guardian indicates on an application for free and reduced-price meals that a child does not have health insurance, the district will notify the parent/guardian that the MHK program is available, if household income is within eligibility standards. (§ 208.658, RSMo)

The district will distribute information about the district's nutrition program, including breakfast, lunch and snack programs administered pursuant to the National School Lunch Program. Information about the School Breakfast Program must be distributed just prior to or at the beginning of the school year. In addition, schools are encouraged to send reminders regarding the availability of the School Breakfast Program multiple times throughout the school year. (7 C.F.R. § 210.12)

The district will publicly announce the eligibility criteria for free and reduced-price meals to each parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year or within ten days after the state notifies the district of the approved eligibility criteria if such notice is received after the beginning of the school year. Any subsequent changes in a school's eligibility criteria during the school year shall be publicly announced in the same manner as the original criteria were announced. The announcement will be made in the following manner:

Except in situations where students are directly certified for the program, on or about the beginning of each school year, the district will distribute a free and reduced-price meals application and a letter or notice explaining the eligibility criteria for the Free and Reduced-Price Meals Program and other details of the program to the parents/guardians of all children in attendance at the school.

On or about the beginning of each school year, the district will provide a public release containing the same information supplied to parents/guardians, including free and reduced-price meals eligibility criteria, to the informational media, the local unemployment office and any major employers contemplating large layoffs in the area. Copies of the public release shall be made available upon request in the district's administrative offices to any interested persons. (7 C.F.R. § 245.5)

The district will cooperate with Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors in the area, if any, to distribute materials informing families of the availability and location of free SFSP meals for students when school is not in session. (7 C.F.R. § 210.12)

The district will provide written notice of the district's procedure on unpaid meal charges to each household in the district at the beginning of each school year and maintain a copy of the procedure on the district's website. In addition, a copy of the procedure will be provided to households of students who transfer into the district during the school year. (Federal Guidance)

The district will annually distribute information about concussions and brain injuries to each student participating in district athletic activities. Parents/Guardians must submit a signed acknowledgment of having received the information before the student will be allowed to participate. (§ 167.765, RSMo)

The district will annually notify parents/guardians and eligible students of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The district will also provide:

Notice of the categories of information the district has designated as public directory information. (34 C.F.R. §§ 99.7, 99.37)

Notice to parents/guardians of secondary school students of the district's obligation to release the names, addresses and telephone listings of secondary school students to representatives from institutions of higher education and military recruiters. Parents/Guardians and secondary school students who are at least 18 may submit a written request not to release the information without prior written consent of the parent/guardian or student. (20 U.S.C. § 7908)

The district will provide notice to parents/guardians and students at the beginning of every school year, and within a reasonable time after any substantive change to the district's policies, detailing the following:

No student, without prior parental consent, or the consent of the student if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, shall be required as part of any federally funded program to submit to a survey, analysis or evaluation that reveals the political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student's parent/guardian; mental or psychological problems of the student or student's family; sex behavior and attitudes; illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior; critical appraisals of other individuals with whom there is a close family relationship; legally recognized privileges; income, unless required to determine eligibility for financial aid or participation in a program; or religious practices, affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student's parent/guardian.

Prior notice of a survey the district administers on any of the above subjects, even if they are not federally funded, and information on how parents/guardians can opt their students out of the survey.

The right of a parent/guardian to inspect surveys before they are given and instructional material upon request, and the procedures for doing so. (20 U.S.C. § 1232h)

At the beginning of every school year, and within a reasonable time after any substantive change in the district's policies, the district will notify parents/guardians of the specific or approximate dates on which any nonemergency invasive physical examination or screening will be performed that is required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school, scheduled in advance, not necessary to protect the immediate health or safety of the student and that exposes private body parts or includes incision, insertion or injection into the body. The notice need not include hearing, vision or scoliosis screenings. The notice will offer an opportunity for the parents/guardians or a student of appropriate age to opt out of the activity. Currently the district does not conduct such examinations, and there are no plans to initiate them in the future. (20 U.S.C. § 1232h)

At the beginning of every school year, and within a reasonable time after any substantive change in the district's policies, the district will notify parents/guardians of the specific or approximate dates on which personal information about students will be collected, disclosed or used if that information will be used for marketing or selling or otherwise provided to others for that purpose. The notice will offer an opportunity for the parents/guardians or a student of appropriate age to opt out of the activity. (20 U.S.C. § 1232h)

The district will inform students or their parents/guardians about asbestos inspections, reinspections, surveillance, response actions and post-response action activities at least once a year. (40 C.F.R. § 763.84)

At the beginning of each school year the district will distribute earthquake information prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) or by other agencies that are experts in the area of earthquake safety. (§ 160.455, RSMo)

The district will provide current, accurate and complete information to each new employee regarding eligibility for public service loan forgiveness. The notice will be provided within ten days following the start of employment. (§ 105.1445, RSMo)

The district will notify parents/guardians at the time of initial enrollment of their student in district-sponsored preschools, daycare centers or nursery schools that they may request notice from the district as to whether any students currently enrolled in or attending the facility have an immunization exemption on file with the district. (§ 210.003, RSMo)

The district will post in a public area of each school and in all student restrooms a sign that contains the toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline number established by the Children's Division of the Department of Social Services. The text of the signs will be in both English and Spanish, be on a poster at least 11 x 17 inches, contain large print and be placed at eye level to the student. (§ 160.975, RSMo)

The district will provide the address of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE) website on the Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative to parents/guardians before October 1 of each school year. (§ 161.1050, RSMo)

The district will provide annual notice to students, parents/guardians and staff of policy JFCF, Bullying. (§ 160.775, RSMo)

At the beginning of each school year, the district will notify parents/guardians with students attending a school that receives Title I funds that they may request information regarding whether the student's teacher is certified to teach in the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; whether the student's teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional certification status; and whether the student is provided services by a paraprofessional and, if so, the qualifications of the paraprofessional. (20 U.S.C. § 6312)

In accordance with federal law, if a student attends a school that receives Title I funds and has been assigned to or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not certified at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher provides instruction, the district will provide timely notification to the student's parents/guardians. (20 U.S.C. § 6312)

If the district receives a grant or subgrant from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the district will display in a public place the hotline contact information for the Office of Inspector General of the ED, so that any individual who observes, detects or suspects improper use of taxpayer funds can easily report such improper use. (20 U.S.C. § 7933)

The district will disseminate notice of the rights of homeless children and youth in locations frequented by parents/guardians of such children and youth, and unaccompanied youth, including schools, shelters, public libraries and soup kitchens. (42 U.S.C. § 11431)

The district will use parent handbooks, registration documents and the homepage of the district's website to inform parents/guardians of their child's right to participate in the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP). (§ 161.670, RSMo)

The district will prominently post a copy of § 105.055, RSMo, the state “whistleblower” statute, in locations where it can reasonably be expected to come to the attention of all employees. (§ 105.055, RSMo)

The district will develop, maintain and make publicly available on the district's website a searchable expenditure and revenue document or database detailing actual income, expenditures and disbursements for the current calendar or fiscal year. The district shall update the information at least quarterly, and the data shall be archived, accessible and searchable for a minimum of ten years. (§ 160.066, RSMo)

If the district provides information on immunizations, infectious diseases, medications or other school health issues to parents/guardians of K–12 students, the district will also provide parents/guardians of K–12 students influenza and influenza vaccination information that is identical or similar to that produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (§ 167.637, RSMo)

The district will notify parents/guardians of the content of the district's trauma-informed, developmentally appropriate sexual abuse training for students. Such notice must be provided prior to instruction and will include notice that parents/guardians may excuse their student from training by submitting a written request. (§ 170.045, RSMo)

If the district or any school in the district is determined to be in the bottom five percent on the annual performance report (APR) submitted to DESE, the superintendent or designee will mail a letter to the parents/guardians of students in the district or school. The letter will inform parents/guardians that the district or school has been determined to be in the bottom five percent based on the APR and that options are available to impacted students. In addition, the district will display APR data provided by DESE at each attendance center and in a clear and easily accessible manner on the district website and as part of the annual school accountability report card.


20 U.S.C. § 1400-1417 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 29 U.S.C. § 794 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 34 C.F.R Part 300 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act 7 C.F.R. § 210.12 7 C.F.R. § 245.5

BCB: Board Officers

BDDL: Release of Information

Procedure BDDL-AP(1): Release of Information - Records Requests

CH: Policy Implementation and Dissemination

DCB: Political Campaigns



EFB: Free and Reduced - Price Food Service

EHB: Technology Usage


IGAEB: Sexual Health Instruction

IGBB: Programs for Gifted Students


IGBC: Parent and Family Involvement and Engagement


JHA: Student Insurance



JO-1-AP(2) STUDENT RECORDS - (Disclosure of Photographs, Images and Recordings Maintained by the District)


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/kbap1.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:42 AM (external edit)