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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 10/15/2001
Last Revised Date
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KB: Public Information Program

Last Revised Date: 02/25/2019 Open communication with the district's students, parents/guardians, employees and the public is essential for the school district to operate effectively. The School of the Osage Board of Education places high importance on conveying information concerning the district's goals, achievements, activities and operations to these groups.

The district will make a systematic effort to communicate with the public using a variety of communication channels. The Board of Education authorizes the expenditure of funds for the purpose of preparing and distributing information to the general public. Employees and Board members will maintain an effective working relationship with the news media.


The superintendent, Board president or designee will serve as official spokespersons for the district. All employees and Board members will direct requests for official statements about district business from the public or members of the media to the district's spokespersons. Board members should emphasize to the media and members of the public that they may only speak as individual Board members unless empowered by the Board to speak on its behalf.

Communications Plan

The Board directs the superintendent or designee to develop and disseminate written guidelines to further the goals of this policy, including a communications plan that aligns with relevant Board policies and administrative procedures and addresses:

1. Guidelines for employees communicating with the media.

2. Communicating during emergency situations.

3. Use of the district's website and social media.

4. Sharing information within the district.

5. Sharing information with the public.

Effective Communications

The district recognizes that Board members and employees have regular contact with students, parents/guardians and the public in general. When interacting with the public, all district employees and Board members are responsible for communicating accurate information about district policies and programs and promoting effective school-home-community partnerships. District employees will not be disciplined for speech that is protected by law.

In all communications, the Board and its employees will:

1. Disseminate accurate and timely information about district policies, programs, procedures, achievements, decisions and critical issues.

2. Eliminate rumors and misinformation.

3. Observe confidentiality and other restrictions imposed by law and Board policy.

4. Promote a climate of trust.

Specific Information

The district will provide parents/guardians and members of the public information as required by law. Board policies and related documents, including current versions of district handbooks, will be posted on the district's website. School and district report cards may be posted on the district's website and will be distributed to the public as determined by the superintendent or designee. The district will post notice of Board meetings and make copies of these notices available to representatives of the news media upon request. Other public information will be available in the district’s buildings or administrative offices for viewing by the public during the office's normal business hours, as required by law and in accordance with policy BDDL.

The superintendent or designee will develop a communication system for the exchange of information between the district and staff, students, parents/guardians and others when school or school activities are canceled. Notice of the closing and reopening of school or cancellation of activities will be publicized through local media, the district's website and other district information dissemination options.


20 U.S.C. § 1400-1417 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 29 U.S.C. § 794 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 34 C.F.R Part 300 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act 7 C.F.R. § 210.12 7 C.F.R. § 245.5

BCB: Board Officers

BDDL: Release of Information

Procedure BDDL-AP(1): Release of Information - Records Requests

CH: Policy Implementation and Dissemination

DCB: Political Campaigns



EFB: Free and Reduced - Price Food Service

EHB: Technology Usage


IGAEB: Sexual Health Instruction

IGBB: Programs for Gifted Students


IGBC: Parent and Family Involvement and Engagement


JHA: Student Insurance



JO-1-AP(2) STUDENT RECORDS - (Disclosure of Photographs, Images and Recordings Maintained by the District)


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/kb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:42 AM (external edit)