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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 11/29/2021
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 11/29/2021

JHDE : Behavioral Risk Assessment

To further the goal of school safety, and in accordance with the Missouri School Improvement Program, the School of the Osage has established a system for reporting and addressing threats of violence or physical harm to self or others and other behaviors that are indicative of potential threats. All statements (written or verbal), actions or gestures that threaten the safety of any person at any district facility will be taken seriously regardless of intent.

All district employees, volunteers and contractors are required to report any expressed threat(s) or behavior(s) that might represent a danger to district students or staff or indicate a potential for self-harm. Nothing in this policy shall preclude district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat before notifying the superintendent or designee of any individual who poses a threat of violence or physical harm to self or others.

Behavioral Risk Assessment Team

The superintendent or designee shall establish one or more behavioral risk assessment teams (Team or Teams) in accordance with this policy. Each Team should include persons with expertise in counseling, instruction, school administration and law enforcement. One Team may serve more than one school in the district. Teams will utilize best practices in developing strategies for identifying and addressing potential threats to district students or staff.

Each Team will:

Receive professional training in the behavioral risk assessment (also known as threat assessment) model the district uses.

Train and provide guidance to students and staff on recognizing threatening behavior or other behavior that might represent a danger to district students or staff or indicate a potential for self-harm.

Identify and designate members of the school community to whom threatening behaviors should be reported.

Be responsible for and implement assessment and intervention protocols for individuals whose behavior might pose a threat to the safety of district students or staff. Unless it is not feasible to do so, all Team members will be involved in the assessment and intervention. Intervention methods may include alternative delivery of educational services when allowed by law.

Provide information on community resources, such as drug treatment, health services, mental health services and other needed services.

Teams will meet regularly to ensure that students are appropriately assessed and, if needed, referred to services. However, if there is an imminent threat to school or district safety, the superintendent or designee will convene an emergency threat assessment meeting to address the imminent threat. After an incident, Teams will conduct an after-action debriefing to identify possible improvements to the assessment process.

Students may be subject to disciplinary action and referral to law enforcement in accordance with board policy and state law and regardless of the actions any Team takes.

Student Record Disclosure

The Team may share personally identifiable student records and information from those records only in accordance with state and federal law and policy JO.

Note: The reader is encouraged to check the index located at the beginning of this section for other pertinent policies and to review administrative procedures and/or forms for related information.


20 U.S.C. § 1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 34 C.F.R Part 99 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

EB: Safety Program


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/jhde.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM (external edit)