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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 03/23/2000

JGB: Detention and / or in-school Suspension of Students

The provisions of detention or an in-school suspension program for student violations of policies, rules and procedures shall provide principals with an additional alternative for dealing with disciplinary problems that occur in the schools. When this alternative is appropriate, students will be assigned to serve a specified time period in the in-school suspension program. These assignments, and the determination of the time period for them, shall be determined by the principal, or his or her designee.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/jgb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire