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Status | Adopted |
Original Adopted Date | 03/23/2000 |
Last Revised Date | |
Last Reviewed Date |
ILA: Test Integrity and Security
Last Revised Date: 07/21/2014 Accurate information about student performance is integral to the district's mission of improving student achievement. In order to make sure the information is valid, the district must protect the integrity of the testing process. This policy shall become part of the district assessment plan. All staff associated with the assessment process are responsible for understanding and implementing the security measures in this policy. For the purposes of this policy, “staff associated with the assessment process” includes test coordinators, examiners, translators, proctors and any district staff who have responsibilities in providing, monitoring or overseeing student testing as designated by the superintendent or designee.
Test Security
Unless allowed by specific test protocol, tests shall not be read, scored, reviewed, photocopied, duplicated, scanned, transported or made accessible to staff not associated with the assessment process. Staff associated with the assessment process shall not discuss, either in writing or verbally, specific items on the assessment. Such discussion breaches both the security and integrity of the assessment and may result in an invalidation or loss of scores for accountability purposes.
Unless allowed by specific test protocol, staff associated with the assessment process are prohibited from reviewing the test materials or questions prior to, during or after testing. Before and after test administration, test materials must be kept in a locked room or cabinet in the school building, but outside the classroom, to prevent unauthorized access. All test materials must be returned to the district test coordinator after the assessment is administered.
Similar test security precautions apply to online testing.
The district will train all district staff associated with the assessment process in accordance with test protocol. The training will include topics required or recommended by the specific test or by the company administering the testing as well as training on the requirements of this policy.
Test Coordinator Roles
The superintendent or designee will appoint a districtwide test coordinator who will:
1. View all assessment manuals and training provided by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and stay informed of all relevant communication regarding the various assessment instruments.
2. Be responsible for training all school test coordinators, test examiners and other staff associated with the assessment process on testing procedures using appropriate training materials.
3. Keep a record of when staff associated with the assessment process are trained and provide that record to the appropriate parties, if required.
4. Restrict access to all secure testing materials prior to testing, including student test books, manipulatives and passwords or other access to electronic testing materials.
5. Ensure that beyond the initial checking and sorting, test materials remain untouched until they are distributed for test administration.
6. During the transcription process, ensure that all tests that need to be transcribed are kept secure from unauthorized access. All materials and any copies generated shall be returned to the testing coordinator after use.
7. Maintain the district's testing schedule and be prepared to provide such schedule upon request. Should the schedule change in any way, the test coordinator must update this information and document the reasons for the change.
8. Organize and deliver testing materials to each building and/or classroom and ensure that all responsible district staff have sufficient quantities of testing materials, or designate specifically trained persons to do so.
9. Ensure that only the test coordinators and staff associated with the assessment process have access to test materials.
10. After test administration, collect and account for all testing materials from each school in the district as well as any out-of-district schools where the students attend alternative programs.
General Test Administration
1. All standardized and statewide tests will be administered in compliance with testing guidelines provided by the company producing or administering the test and DESE when applicable.
2. The district shall inform parents/guardians of the district's testing schedule.
3. Students will be encouraged to use restroom facilities, get drinks and take care of other needs before beginning the test.
4. No individuals other than the test administrator or proctor and the students taking the test shall be allowed in the testing room during the testing session unless otherwise approved by the test coordinator.
5. Electronic communication, including mobile and imaging devices, must not be accessible during any portion of the testing session. These types of devices must be turned off and not readily visible at any time during the testing session.
6. After testing, all used draft, scratch, grid or unlabeled graph paper, student test directions and printed manuals shall be collected and securely destroyed.
7. Students will be permitted to use certain materials, such as calculators or thesauri, when directed by the specific test.
Paper-and-Pencil Testing
1. Test materials will be delivered to each building before the day of the test and distributed by staff associated with the assessment process immediately prior to testing. Students will not receive test materials until the time testing begins. No other persons will have access to the testing materials.
2. If students must leave the room during testing, they will be instructed to secure their test materials in accordance with the specific test protocol before leaving their seats.
3. If a test is to be administered over a series of days, the test administrator or proctor shall collect and count all test materials each day immediately following testing and store the test materials in a locked facility.
4. After the test has been fully administered, the test coordinator will immediately collect the test materials from the test administrators or proctors, organize them according to instructions and securely store them in accordance with this policy.
5. Test materials will be recounted by the test coordinator, and these counts will be documented and checked against pre-administration counts.
6. The test coordinator or designee will sort and package test materials according to directions from the assessment company and send them for scoring as expediently as possible.
Online Testing
1. Prior to testing, the district shall provide students with experience using relevant technology equipment, such as computers, laptops and tablet devices.
2. All computer workstations used during testing will be examined to ensure they are clean and free from any notes, papers, books and other information.
3. The district will perform site certification procedures prior to each testing window.
4. Workstations will have adequate space between them so that students are not able to view each other’s screens.
Sanctions Against Improper or Unethical Practices
The security measures outlined in this document should help prevent improper or unethical practices. Improper and unethical practices include, but are not limited to:
1. Violating any provision of this policy.
2. Copying any part of the standardized test materials or online test unless authorized by test protocol.
3. Removing any test materials from the secure storage area except during test administration or accessing test questions prior to when the test is given, unless authorized by the test coordinator and otherwise allowed by test protocol.
4. Copying, printing, downloading or duplicating in any way any part of an online assessment for any reason unless authorized by the test coordinator and otherwise allowed by test protocol.
5. Failing to return all test materials following test administration.
6. Directly teaching any actual test item or taking actions to discover test items included on a test.
7. Altering in any way a student's responses on a test.
8. Indicating to students during testing that they have missed items and need to change them; giving students clues or answers to questions; allowing students to give each other answers to questions or copy off each other's work; and altering test administration procedures in any other way to give students an unfair advantage.
9. Administrators or other staff members pressuring or encouraging teachers to engage in any of the aforementioned improper or unethical practices.
All district staff are required to immediately report to the district test coordinator any suspicion that this policy has been violated. An immediate investigation will occur if a district staff person is suspected of engaging in any improper or unethical practice. If the allegations against the staff person are proven, a report will be forwarded to the superintendent, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, including termination.
The district will conduct an investigation of any student suspected of engaging in any improper or unethical practice. If allegations are proven, the student will be disciplined in accordance with district policy.
Administrators and test examiners are responsible for reporting any improper or unethical behaviors to DESE's Assessment Section or in accordance with specific testing protocol.
GCPD: Suspension of Professional Staff Members
GCPE: Termination of Professional Staff Members
GDPD: Suspension of Support Staff Members