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Status | Adopted |
Original Adopted Date | 03/23/2000 |
Last Revised Date | |
Last Reviewed Date |
IGBD: At-Risk Students
Last Revised Date: 03/19/2018 (K–12 Districts)
The goal of the School of the Osage is to ensure that all high school graduates are college- or career-ready. In furtherance of that goal, the superintendent or designee will implement K–12 programs designed to identify students who are not performing to their potential and assist those students in graduating with their peers with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in college or a career upon graduation.
If a student is receiving special education services, the student's individualized education program (IEP) team may explicitly waive or exempt the student from any part of this policy.
Identification of Ninth-Grade Students at Risk
In accordance with law, the principal or designee will identify all current ninth-grade students and all students who transfer to the district after ninth grade who are at risk of not being ready for college-level work or entry-level career positions. The identification will be made based on the following information, in addition to other information the principal considers relevant:
1. The student's performance on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test in eighth grade in English language arts and mathematics. The district may also consider the results of other assessments in English language arts and mathematics. If the student transferred from another state or country, the district will consider the student's performance on comparable assessments taken in the other state or country.
2. The number of district students taking remedial courses at the college level as reported by the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.
3. The student's attendance rate.
4. The number of credits the student has earned toward graduation at the end of the first semester of high school and at the end of the student's first year of high school.
5. Student behavior and discipline.
Once a student is identified as at risk, the district will provide appropriate academic and career counseling to attempt to provide the student with opportunities to graduate on time and college- or career-ready.
Other Programs
The superintendent or designee is authorized to create and implement other programs designed to assist students of any grade level who appear to be at risk of dropping out of school or failing to graduate from high school college- or career-ready.
Students Leaving School Prior to Graduation
Students 16 years of age or older who leave school for any reason other than to attend another school, college or university or enlist in the armed services will be reported to the state literacy hotline at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as required by law. In addition, students who drop out of school will be offered follow-up counseling and services to facilitate their return to school and the completion of their education.
JEA: Compulsory and Part-time Attendance
JED: Student Absences and Excuses