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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 02/25/2019
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 02/25/2019

Procedure IGBB-AP(1): Programs for Gifted Students - (Gifted Identification and Placement)

The School of the Osage uses a systematic process for the identification of gifted students that is composed of multiple criteria, including objective measures and a competent, professional evaluation.


The district will provide screening for all students to ensure that all potentially gifted students have an opportunity for consideration. All available data, including information contained in the permanent record, will be considered during the screening process.

The district will use a variety of screening methods that reduce the chance of bias and provide an opportunity to identify the strengths of all students, including those students difficult to identify and traditionally under-represented, such as students with limited English proficiency, students from culturally diverse backgrounds and students with learning disabilities.

The district uses the following screening methods:

1. iReady Diagnostic

2. Group intelligence test scores

3. Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) scores

4. Grades

5. Anecdotal records

6. Demonstrations of creativity or creative problem solving

7. Recommendations from teachers and other personnel, parents/guardians and peers

The district uses the following screening methods designed to select students who are hard to identify or traditionally under-represented:

1. Nonverbal IQ tests

2. Nonverbal achievement tests

3. Assessments given in languages other than English

4. Course-specific or fine arts assessments

Individual Evaluation

Based on screening results, some students will be targeted for individual evaluation. The program coordinator and district staff will determine which students will receive individual evaluation. The district will use a variety of evaluation methods to differentiate between the academically superior student whose educational needs are met by regular classroom programs and the gifted student with needs requiring additional developmental opportunities.

Students will be individually evaluated in the following areas:

General Mental Ability – Including a full-scale score on an individualized intelligence test at or above the 95th percentile. The district uses the following tests of general mental ability:

1. Wechsler Intelligence Scales

2. Leiter International Performance Scale

3. Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT)

Academic Ability – Including a norm-referenced test with a cut-off score at the 95th percentile or above on the composite score or on a majority of subtests. The district uses the following tests of academic ability:

1. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test

2. Missouri Assessment (MAP) Scores

3. iReady Diagnostic Lexile and Quantile Scores

Creativity, Reasoning and Problem-Solving Ability – Including results of instruments indicating outstanding ability in one of the following areas related to the design of the district's gifted program:

1. Creative and productive thinking

2. Advanced insight

3. Outstanding imagination

4. Innovative or creative reasoning ability

5. Advanced perception of cause-and-effect relationships

6. Problem solving

7. Abstract concepts

The district uses teacher observation and checklists to identify creativity, reasoning and problem solving ability.

Students are eligible for placement in the gifted program if, based on individual assessments, including alternative assessments, they meet the district's criteria for placement in the gifted program.


The district offers the following placement options:

1. Resource Room Teacher (RRT) model – Pull-out program where the teacher of gifted students spends all of his or her time in the gifted resource classroom.

Grade level(s): 3-6

2. Special Class Teacher (SCT) model – Special gifted class is part of the student's regular schedule.

Grade level(s): 7-8

Transfer Students

Generally, transfer students will be placed in the district's gifted program only if all of the following criteria are met; however, the district will make exceptions as required by law or policy (for foster care students or transfer students in the household of an active duty member of the military, for example):

1. The student was previously placed in a gifted program in a Missouri school district.

2. The program in which the student was placed is similar to that offered by the district.

3. The student meets or exceeds the district's placement criteria.

4. The student and parents/guardians agree to the placement.

Transfer students will be eligible if they otherwise qualify in subsequent years.

Note: The reader is encouraged to review policies and/or forms for related information in this administrative area.

5 C.S.R.20-100.110





KB: Public Information Program

Procedure KB-AP(1): Public Information Program


Cross References

§ 162.720, RSMo

§ 161.031, RSMo § 160.2000, RSMo

§ 160.1990, RSMo

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/igbbap1.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire