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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 04/15/2002
Last Reviewed Date 04/15/2002

IGA: Basic Instructional Programs

The educational program of the School of the Osage will provide for both formal studies to meet the general academic needs of students, as well as opportunities for individual students to develop specific talents and interests in the performing arts, practical arts, vocational-technical education and other specialized fields.

The various instructional programs offered by the district will be developed with the view toward maintaining a balanced and sequential curriculum that will serve the educational needs of all school-aged children in the district. The curriculum will also meet requirements established by state law, the Missouri State Board of Education and/or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. A written curriculum guide for all subject areas will be developed by the staff and reviewed and approved by the Board.

The Board of Education is committed to educational excellence through the development of communication and computational skills among the district's students. The Board will adopt specific requirements to ensure that high school graduates are sufficiently competent in these important skills. The instructional program will also provide a planned sequence in the language arts, social studies, the sciences, fine arts, industrial and practical arts, health and safety education, vocational-technical education and physical education. At all levels, provisions will be made for a wide range of individual differences in student abilities and learning rates through the use of a variety of materials, adjustments in programs, and courses adapted to special needs of students.

The ultimate aim of the instructional program will be the development of proficiency in each pupil's ability to read well, write legibly, spell accurately, listen attentively, speak clearly, think critically, use basic mathematical/computational skills, observe carefully, solve problems, participate effectively in groups, keep healthy, enjoy aesthetic experiences, and develop interest in and/or start career development.

Any instructional program which is required by state or federal law will be provided to students, and procedures will be developed to ensure requirements are met.

Mo. Const. art.I §§ 5-7

AD: School District Mission


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/iga.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire