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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
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IC: Academic Calendar

Last Revised Date: 08/10/2020 The Board recognizes the relationship between attendance and student achievement and directs the superintendent or designee to develop and present to the Board for approval an academic calendar designed to maximize student attendance that is aligned with the district's student achievement goals. In addition, the academic calendar will include sufficient time for high-quality professional development for staff. The academic calendar recommended to the Board may exceed the minimum legal requirements if necessary to achieve these goals.

The district will also create a calendar that details the days district staff are expected to work and days when district schools or offices will be closed.


In accordance with Missouri law, the first day of school for students shall be set no earlier than 14 calendar days prior to the first Monday in September. The calendar will provide for a minimum of 1,044 hours of actual student attendance (522 hours for kindergarten students) during a school term, excluding summer school. The school year runs from July 1 to June 30.

Attendance hours will be counted only if the students are under the guidance and direction of teachers engaged in the teaching process. The district may choose to offer different academic calendars for different groups of students. The specific daily opening and closing time for individual schools or grade levels may vary.

Canceled School and Make-Up Days

The academic calendar will include 36 make-up hours for possible loss of attendance due to inclement weather as defined in state law. If the district uses these 36 make-up hours and still does not meet the minimum attendance requirements, it will make up half the number of hours lost or canceled in excess of 36 hours as necessary to meet the required 1,044 hours. However, the district is not required to make up more than a total of 60 hours.

The Board strongly recommends that parents/guardians and employees refrain from making vacation and other travel plans without considering the possibility that the school term will end later than anticipated due to required make-up hours.

The superintendent or designee has the authority to make the final decision to close school buildings on a day-to-day or short-term basis due to inclement weather or other emerging or emergency situations where the safety of employees or students could be at immediate risk or the district does not have the necessary resources available to educate students in the school buildings. The Board will make the final decision on amendments to the Board-adopted calendar, school closures that are expected to last longer than a week, and decisions to end the school year early.

Alternative Methods of Instruction when School Is Canceled

The district will develop and maintain a plan for educating students during times when school buildings must be closed. Such planning will particularly address potential long-term school building closures. In accordance with law, the superintendent or designee will seek approval for the plan from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. If approved, these methods may be used to avoid lost hours of instruction and make-up days. Any alternatives proposed will ensure rigorous instruction of students that is equivalent to the instruction missed due to canceled school.

BDDA: Notification of Board Meetings



GBAD: Telework


GCBDA: Professional Staff Short-term Leaves

GDBDA: Support Staff Leaves

JED: Student Absences and Excuses


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/ic.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire