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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 08/25/2003
Last Reviewed Date 08/25/2003

IA: Instructional Goals / Priority Objectives

The educational goals for the School of the Osage focus on the student and address quality in education. The goals are relevant to the lives of students of any age, whether in formal institutions of learning, programs of continuing education or any learning environment. The goals adopted by the school district correspond closely to those that have been established for all Missouri schools by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The four categories of goals may be related to formalized school experiences or individual attainment. Regardless of the language, responsibility is placed upon both the school and the student. Appropriate outcomes necessitate that citizens, educators and especially the students make wise use of available resources. The goals are intertwined; no one goal stands apart from the rest. These goals help define performance objectives for students, identify tasks to be performed by teachers in giving life to those objectives, and help determine means for evaluating student progress.

Intellectual Development

It is the goal of the district that each individual will have the opportunity to develop intellectual ability to developmental capacity. The development of intellectual ability should include the acquisition of knowledge as well as the creative ability to process and use that knowledge. To acquire the desired knowledge and fundamental intellectual processes, the Board of Education believes that each individual should become proficient in communication, quantitative thinking, social processes, scientific understanding, decision making and aesthetic appreciation.

Physical Development

It is the goal of the district that each individual will have opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and/or skills in the process of physical growth and maturation, health and recreation to the extent of developmental ability.

Character Development

It is the goal of character development that each individual becomes a part of a community of learners who make the ethical choices necessary to become socially responsible and caring individuals. By providing learning opportunities and role models, in conjunction with parents, patrons and the community at large; School of the Osage encourages the development of positive character traits.

Career Development

It is the goal of the district that each individual be provided systematic and sequential activities at all levels to facilitate educational and occupational decision making appropriate to maturation. Career development should include all aspects necessary in developing a way of life. These activities should be related to the social significance of work, occupational exploration, occupational preparation and adult occupational education.

Organization of Instruction

The organization of instruction is designed to meet the standards established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

AD: School District Mission


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/ia.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire