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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 07/18/2005
Last Revised Date
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GCI: Professional Staff Reassignments and Transfers

Last Revised Date: 02/25/2020 The district recognizes that assigning qualified staff members to positions throughout the district is essential to providing an excellent education program for all students. Every effort will be made to assign district staff to areas of the greatest need for the benefit of the students.


Reassignment – District-initiated movement of an employee from one position or building to another.

Transfer – Movement of an employee from one position or building to another at the request of the employee.


The Board directs the superintendent to annually assess the professional staffing needs of the district and reassign staff as necessary to meet those needs. Although the superintendent will take the employee's expressed preference into consideration, the ultimate decision must be based on the district's needs. The superintendent may reassign staff members at any time, including after a contract has been signed or during the school year. Board approval is required when a reassignment results in a change to the employee's compensation, benefits or contract.


Professional staff may request a transfer to a different position or building by submitting the appropriate form to the superintendent or designee. The district will grant employee transfer requests only when they are in the best interest of the district. Board approval is required when a transfer results in a change to the employee's compensation, benefits or contract.

Transfer requests for the following school year must be submitted on or before March 1. Transfers during the school year are discouraged and will be considered only in extraordinary circumstances. Professional staff requesting a transfer during the school year must submit his or her request in writing and discuss the request with both the employee's immediate supervisor and the superintendent or designee.



Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/gci.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire