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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 04/15/2002
Last Revised Date
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GBCB: Staff Conduct

Last Revised Date: 09/09/2019 The Board of Education expects every employee to act professionally, ethically and responsibly; use good judgment; and do what is necessary to maintain a safe learning environment and positive relations with students, parents/guardians, coworkers and the public. In addition to expectations in other Board policies and directives from supervisors, district expectations for employees include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Become familiar with, enforce and follow all applicable Board policies and regulations, administrative procedures, other directions given by district administrators and supervisors, and state and federal laws.

2. Maintain courteous and professional relationships with students, parents/guardians, other district employees and the public. Transmit constructive criticism to the particular school administrator or supervisor who has the administrative responsibility to address the concern. Employees will not be disciplined for speech that is protected by law and are encouraged to share concerns with their supervisors.

3. Actively participate in professional development and obtain information necessary to effectively perform the employee's job duties.

4. Conduct all official business in a professional and timely manner. Meet deadlines set by the district, administrative staff and supervisors. Conduct business with the appropriate designated person or department.

5. Care for, properly use and protect school property. Immediately report all dangerous building conditions to the building supervisor and take action to rectify the situation in order to protect the safety of students and others. Take appropriate action to prevent loss or theft of district property, and immediately report loss or theft of district property.

6. Attend all meetings called by supervisors or the district administration unless excused. Arrive at work and leave work at the time specified by the district or as directed by a supervisor, and follow district policies, procedures and directives regarding absences. All nonexempt employees must receive permission from a supervisor prior to working overtime.

7. Keep all student records, medical information and other legally protected information confidential. Submit all required documents, information, data or reports at the time requested. Employees must not falsify records, create misleading records or compromise the accuracy and security of district data.

8. Properly supervise all students. The Board expects all students to be under assigned adult supervision at all times during school and during any school activity. Employees must not leave students unsupervised except as necessary to handle an emergency situation.

9. Obey all safety rules, including rules protecting the safety and welfare of students.

10. Communicate clearly and professionally. Employees will not use profanity and will not raise their voices unless necessary. Written communication must be grammatically correct. Employees will not be disciplined for speech that is protected by law and are encouraged to share concerns with their supervisors.

11. Dress in a professional manner that does not interfere with the educational environment and as directed by administrators or supervisors.

12. Other than commissioned law enforcement officers, school employees shall not perform strip searches, as defined in state law, of students except in situations where an employee reasonably believes that the student possesses a weapon, explosive or substance that poses an imminent threat of physical harm to the student or others and a commissioned law enforcement officer is not immediately available.

13. School employees shall not direct a student to remove an emblem, insignia or garment, including a religious emblem, insignia or garment, as long as such emblem, insignia or garment is worn in a manner that does not promote disruptive behavior.

14. State law prohibits teachers from participating in the management of a campaign for the election or defeat of a member of the Board of Education that employs such teacher.

15. Unless otherwise allowed by law, employees may not engage in political campaigning during the working day or during times when they are performing their official duties.

16. Employees will not represent their personal opinions as the opinions of the district and, to avoid confusion, are required to clearly indicate when they are speaking or writing as an individual and not a representative of the district.


CH: Policy Implementation and Dissemination

DCB: Political Campaigns



IND: Ceremonies and Observances

JFG: Searches of Students




JO-1-AP(2) STUDENT RECORDS - (Disclosure of Photographs, Images and Recordings Maintained by the District) KI PUBLIC SOLICITATIONS/ADVERTISING IN DISTRICT FACILITIES


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/gbcb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:42 AM by Nathan C. McGuire