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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 05/19/2008
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 05/19/2008

FF: Facility Names

New Facilities

When any new facility is acquired or constructed, the Board will appoint a committee consisting of community members, students and staff to recommend appropriate names for the new facility. If possible, staff members who serve on the committee will include those slated to work in the new facility. The committee will recommend two (2) or three (3) possible names to the Board for consideration, and the names will be included in the minutes. Activities of the committee are governed by the Missouri Sunshine Law. The Board of Education will make the final decision on the name of any district facility.

The committee will give preference to names of local individuals and individuals who are associated with the intended use of the new facility. Special consideration will be given to those names that have special significance to students, staff or the community.

Existing Facilities and Additions

Once a building or facility has been named, that name will remain with the building or facility unless changed by the Board. Names will be changed using the same process outlined above. Names may be changed when a specific program or theme the facility was named for changes, when the current name no longer supports the objectives of the facility, or due to additions or renovations to an existing facility.

Naming Rights

The Board of Education may, when it is in the best interest of the district to do so, contract to sell or lease naming rights to any district-owned property to an entity or organization whose stated purpose is consistent with the educational mission of the district and whose activities are not contrary to that mission.


The Board may have plaques installed on new construction projects or renovations to existing facilities reflecting the name of the facility; the names of the Board members in office at the time the project was approved; the name of the superintendent serving at the time the project was approved; and the names of the architect, general contractor and others as determined by the Board. The plaque will also include the date the project was completed.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/ff.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire