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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 05/19/2014
Last Reviewed Date 05/19/2014

FEB: Selection of Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services

The Board will select qualified firms and negotiate contracts for architectural, engineering and land surveying services for the various building projects in the school district when such services are required. Selection shall be made on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications for the types of services specified by the district at fair and reasonable prices.

The district will solicit statements of quality and performance data from architectural, engineering or land surveying firms when a project requiring such services is proposed.

The data submitted will be evaluated against the following criteria:

1. The specialized experience and technical competence, including that of partners and associates, demonstrated either with the district or elsewhere, with respect to the type of services desired by the Board.

2. The capacity and capability of the firm to perform the tasks requested, as well as any specialized services, within the time limitations established for the completion of the project.

3. The firm's past record of performance with respect to control of costs, quality of work, design, appearance, utility and the ability to meet time schedules.

4. The firm's proximity to and familiarity with the geographical area in which the project shall be located.

The superintendent or designee shall prepare a written description of the services desired by the district. Interested firms will submit statements of their qualifications and performance data with respect to the above criteria. In addition, each interested firm will identify the individuals or subcontractors performing each service required by the architectural, engineering or surveying project and their degrees, certifications and years of experience performing the service. The Board, in consultation with the superintendent or designee, shall analyze the data received and list the top three qualified firms. The Board shall select the firm considered best qualified and capable of performing the desired services and shall negotiate a contract. Should the Board be unable to negotiate a contract acceptable to the district with the firm first selected, the Board may negotiate a contract with another firm from the list or may direct the superintendent or designee to seek additional statements of qualifications from other firms and then submit a new list of qualified firms. The Board may authorize a qualified person to negotiate a contract for architectural, engineering or land surveying services on its behalf, but any negotiated contract must be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board.




Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/feb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:43 AM by Nathan C. McGuire