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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 01/22/2007
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 01/22/2007

DJB: Petty Cash Accounts

The Board authorizes a petty cash fund in each school and in the Board office to facilitate minor purchases, refunds, collection of fines and fees, and to make change when necessary. Petty cash funds will not be used to circumvent established purchasing procedures, but will be used as a convenience for immediate purchases of low-cost goods and services. The building principal or designee will be responsible for petty cash accounts in his or her school, and the superintendent or designee will be responsible for the petty cash account in the central office.

The superintendent or designee will develop administrative procedures on reporting, documentation, safekeeping and the appropriate expenditures of these funds.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/djb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire